Swamidhason Francis Poems

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Mother's Love

Chirping in glee like flapping birds the cherubs played on the deserted road,
Like a field to play the road lay vacant with its steep slope giving a rolling new
To their birdie ball game; nobody noticed the Road Roller parked in haste off their view.
And it started gliding down the slope to the waiting valley below with rocks broad,

Mother's Devotion

When birds wake up the sun with melodies, mom is up singing David’s psalms;
When workers troop out drooling, mom packs us to school with books and food;
When gates of schools close for the day, mom opens the door to our evening mood;
When sleep shuts our eyes with her nightly kiss, mom has chores still at her palms;

The Swallows

Like dotted foreheads of women, our land was dotted with swallows;
They had rap dances on the farmers’ ploughs and bulls’ yokes in the field
With feathery steps to the toilers’ footsteps till the land was filled with yield.
The harvest saw them fluttering about in mirth, mating and birthing new fellows.

The Lone Survivor

“All are dead! ” shouted the old man tout and tall;
“Oh My God! ” they heard him murmur ere his fainted fall
On the steps of the station, in Balvano at the edge of Southern Italy;
Already defeated by Allies, Benito Mussolini’s fascists were booted-out

Warriors And Lovers

Warriors and lovers are one; both are in hot pursuit
Of their targets; that’s why all is fair in war and in love.
Distance makes them fall in and nearness makes them love;
And sobering live-ins make their home just business suit.

My Father Is A Veteran


My father was not a war veteran if you say life is not a battle;
But war was it he fought after being conferred kingship too early,

The Blind Image

The Blind Image

Once a beggar was sitting at the edge of the thoroughfare
And many put their soul’s guilt as coins in his bowl,

The Peak Is Really Lonely

The Peak is Really Lonely

When my mind I unlocked inside to go to places unknown
On the wings of poesy, when my quill hungered for more

Ode To Ustad, The Celebrity Tiger

Ode to Ustad the Celebrity Tiger

Is it true Ustad, you’ve divided humans?

Grandma's Beard

Grandma's Beard

Once great grandma had beard;
The goat had an eye on her beard;

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