Sweta Leena Panda Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Unity Is My Strength

Time oh! My time
It's time to take the wise decision
Which is matter for me & which is not?
U are so wise

A Letter To My Lord

Which is for help?

Oh my lord
Are you really blind?
Then how could you see the crime

A Sad Story Of A Tiny Little Girl

I saw a Tiny little girl, Sad and all alone
Was sitting at in front of a gate
She was a small little girl
Nearly seven to eight years old

Oh My Sun Shine

Oh my shining star
Oh my sun shines
You are totally amazing
I wish you shine now & forever

My New Year Resolution

I hate to repeat myself once again
Half of my year spent in black & empty
Now I already reach at the end of my year
My Life cycle flows like a wind

A Bad Dream

I saw in the last night
I was walking alone in a road
Two roads already set in front of me
Confused where I have to go

Oh My Time

Ohh time Oh my time
The sun that you stole
That was mine.

Still I never say you anything

Are We Free Today

Day after day slipped away
Month after month slipped away
Year after year quickly flew away
Our Heroes, shed their blood like tears to give us freedom

My Life Journey

Our life is a beautiful journey
Journey of life is an interesting book
each book contains many unique stories
some books are short & some are long,

Oh My Belove

Yes I am smiling
Yes, I am enjoying
Is there must be some reason behind
Is there someone behind my dream?

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