Tabitha Guillaume

Tabitha Guillaume Poems

I am a female
I recognize my gender
I hear jokes, I hear cracks that never hinder:

The Best Poem Of Tabitha Guillaume

Hole In My Heart

I am a female
I recognize my gender
I hear jokes, I hear cracks that never hinder:
To remind me that I am insignificant only made for a man,
I say something you don’t like; you ask for a sandwich and stick out your hand.
-no you aren’t sexist.
I am Haitian
I recognize my culture
I hear jokes, I hear cracks that never alter:
My opinion of my land, the land you haven’t seen, the land that isn’t advertised or broadcasted on the TV screen. The rich terrain, the beautiful seaside, the people that can still smile after they’ve just cried.
-no you aren’t prejudice.
I recognize my race
I hear jokes I hear cracks that will NEVER let me forget:
The color of my skin, the hardships of my people, the difference between me and you, and whether we are truly equal.
-no you aren’t racist.
You say you are my friend, buddy, and pal
But all these jokes and wisecracks weren’t they meant for an enemy’s mouth?
Do you think the meanings of these jokes are different since you are a “friend”?
Or should I be the wise one and let this friendship end?
Because even though I recognized all of our differences,
As a friend
I chose to focus on that instance,
Were we were similar and agreed, and focused on the soul
Not the race, gender or ethnicity that has created this hole.

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