Tashi Coote Poems

Hit Title Date Added
I Need You

Mother how can I tell you?

 that I am bi 

would you turn your back

 and walk away?

Life's Like An Hourglass

Some days my world feels like an hourglass.
Just when I start to feel full of hope, light and positivity,

Inside My Mind

this depressive state, is driving me insane,
just can't seem to live this way,
inside of my mind, i'm not ok,
make it stop, make it stop, please...

Life To The Fullest

Live your life to the fullest…
Don’t end your life on bad terms,
Or on short notice.
Suicide is not the answer to your problems,


cross my heart
and hope to die
i loved you but
you said goodbye

How Could I Let My Guard Down

i was so sad
then i saw you
sparkling in the light
blades so sharp

Utter Silence

I opens my eyes for the last time, and i quickly grab for the razor blade.
I force the sharp blade against my wrist.
I start slitting my veins, deeper and deeper into my flesh.
The dark blood pours out more and more onto the floor all over.


Sometimes can make you cry

Can make you nervous

 And make you tense

 Reminds you of scary thoughts about it


I Dont Want To Be Alone

i don’t want to be alone
i don’t want to be afraid

Ny Pain Is Cruel

My pain is cruel,
Depressing, unbearable
But no one sees it,
Is my fake smile working that well?

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