Terence George Craddock Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Hell Is On Earth This World Horrors Swiftly Tell

we love you God in the place you dwell
hell is on earth this world horrors swiftly tell
millions billions called out to you as they dust fell;

We Love You God

we love you God in the place you dwell
in war it is time for us to leave to go to hell
without you noticing God not even a sparrow falls
but in World Wars millions of men die without aid

Without You Noticing God Do Millions Fall?

we love you God in the place you dwell
it is time for us to leave, to go to battle hell;
without you noticing God not even a sparrow falls
but in wars women children bleed, suffering starvation calls;

To Honour To Serve To Protect

to serve
the people
or to serve
self interests?

Walk In The Wilderness Or In Cities Of Light

those of us who walk the barren wastes of the wilderness
like spies in the cold war who never came in from the cold
must walk in wilderness so you may walk in cities of light

Wine Aged In Harvested Maturity

seasoned wine aged in harvested maturity
grapes ripened in long hot Summer days
grapes purple red green clusters on vines

Wisdom For The Wise: Walk In All Ways Of Peace

in ages past God was closer to us than our life veins
God permeated the air was in every breath we breathed
God flowed in thoughts our veins God was our life blood

Discussions On Love

small lives small deaths
loss within families
small inheritance gifts

Affairs Of The Heart Infidelities Shock Waves

there are so many kinds of death so many kinds of burial
strangers buried alive in past suffering impaled upon betrayal
affairs of the heart infiddelities vigor of aspired to duplicity

At Funerals Good Form Demands Show A Brave Face

sympathy is the vogue people tongue tied or trying desperately
to be polite show good form put on a good show be respectful
to avoid speaking ill of the dead means avoiding plague memories

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