Terence George Craddock Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Ifs Buts Perhaps Are Stall Words

ifs buts perhaps are stall words of uncertainty
if perhaps slippery are not solid foundation stones
in language of uncertainty is swift sown doubts

Lazy Language Procrastination Excuses

language of procrastination is inertia laced
with uncertainty words used to justify inaction
momentum seized rises rules the day decisive action
swift determined action increases values opportune

Elite Power Acts Enforces Without Authority

fait accompli elite sleight of hand
predetermined spider web events
change is implemented secured
has already happened been decided

Power Seized Power Retained

coup d'état arising during civil wars
will shorten brutal bloody war's duration
protests spur coups help elites within state
apparatus to mobilize coordinate coups

Live A Life Of Enlightenment Responsibility Reason

there was a time when men lived by their oaths
died by their oaths would die before breaking oaths
make good restoration oaths not hate revenge oaths

Oath Breakers Ancient: A Discordant Legacy

oath is sworn does it matter to who?
oath is sworn does it matter when?
how long ago under what conditions?

Decades Past Optimum Prime

this body unit
exceeded decades past
optimum prime

Choice Following One Thread Of Thought

the choice
in following
one thread of thought
cuts most

Constantly Topping World Best Seller List

the book with the most world wide sales
the most world wide sales for thousands of years
the most promoted persecuted book of all time
the most quoted misquoted book of all time

Winter Is Fast Bird Flight Approaching

cold skies mean migrating
birds will fly on journeys tiring
world migrations crossing
vast distances traversing

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