Terence George Craddock Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Race Targeted Murders: A Bitter Lingering Legacy

year date: July 2016
continent location: North America
country location: mainland USA

Morning Mist Rising

a puff of wind
tricks of breezes
flame snuffed
mist rising dissipates

Mind Freezing Winter Worries

who dares
best reads
seasons of hearts

Love Shares Everything

money can be a lonely bedfellow
when the soul longs for an exceptional
love to share all everything with

Poems Not Written For A Readership

many poems written a poet may assume will never be read
poet sole reader had to read these poems to write them
poet may abandon the poem mid writing after completed
poet found some need some desire to write inner words

A Lovers Moon Time Distilled

moonlit night a sacred sight
moon glowing haunting
an awe inspiring shinning delight
whispers humanities first beginnings

Words That Need To Be Spoken

when your dead it does not matter
what people say about you words
spoken good or ill it does not matter

A Poet Is Warm Clothed

a poet is warm clothed in surprise
images scents of life nature is an ever
sight new fresh gift giving imparting

A Poet's View Looking Out

a poet's view looking out through window of mind
from golden dawn light welcoming greeting till
all hues in daylight time passage insight dusk fading

Accept Or Reject A Poetic Personality

it is not a body it is not a face

it is not a vision body it is not an image striking face
it is not a voice tone check my resonance pulse pace

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