Terence George Craddock Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Public Limited Company Safety Catch

PLC scheme works like this
if handled right one-way bets
pays safe profits no profits?

Tuned My Soul With Harmony

many poems
in my sleepless last night
tuned my soul with harmony

Water Permeates Earth Life Interactions

water flowing in mountains streams creeks rivers
water trickling racing to fill ponds lakes oceans
water mist breath allowing myriad life possibilities
water small droplets of life potential diverse forms

Be Still To Rise Beautified

be still to rest
be still to rejuvenate
be still to recover

Trust In Lust Is?

trust in lust is personality specific
trust raging hormones to glance desire
trust raging hormones to desire desirable beauties

More Empty Houses Than Homeless People?

in the land of the homeless
how can there be more empty houses
than homeless people in the united states

Not To Have Loved At All?

Love passion
deep emotions,
have times

* Heart Misses Soul Touch Smell

Need my soulmate next to me
so intensely am only half
complete without you
can't sleep well without you

Life Characters Stage Cast

life is breath strides our changing stage
light a candle warm glow grow radiant shadows
flickering characters staging our life lines

Laughter Ripples Resonates In Mind

the sound of a smile in a voice
resonated ripples in my mind
smiles laughing in depths of soul

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