Terry Donovan Poems

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Even though
They were clean,
He put them in the washing machine.
No longer frowned

Way To Go

The journey is unnecessary
But getting there, a must.
Don't rely on anyone
But give them all your trust

Love Sonnet

I hate it when we have to say goodbye
And I must turn and leave you once again.
The hours always pass so slowly by,
The sand falls through the hour-glass grain by grain.

The Shifting Sand

Ever since you went away,
last thing at night I lie and pray,
And think of you somewhere afar
And ask the angels how you are.


Whatever the weather
The days are grey
And go on forever
The same old way

What You Need To Get By

To know that someone loves you,
To know you have a friend,
To know that there's a pot of gold
At every rainbow's end.

The Little Choir Boy

Each Sunday I would go to church.
I found it hard to pray,
I'd sit and wonder why the Lord
Had taken him away.

New Lines

They sold haikus at the market,
Two pounds each or three for five,
(They'd been freshly picked that morning
But were barely still alive) .

Naughty Poem

I went into the chemists,
I was young and very shy.
He asked me what I wanted;
Couldn't look him in the eye.

Lonesome Blues As Such

Another tear
falls in my beer
as I sit here
and sigh oh dear

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