Theorem The Truth Serum Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Remodel Again

I want to reinvent love,
let's start off with a kiss.
Look into their eyes
and brush your right

An Old House

Everything comes and goes
but I still stay the same
I have the same clothes and
the same emotionless expressions

One Little Piece Of Land

Bred from the hate of Hitler
Whose fire was a great kindler
Marched bullets to a parade of murder
Wolf presidents going straight for the herder

Have No Expectations

A bullet runs out of the barrel
like a prison break.
A lady is standing still.
She is an innocent bystander,

The Big Picture

Greed is like cocaine
Its dependancy makes you go insane
How do we refrain
We need to control ourselves with our brain

May One Day...

May one day humanity
come together without
destroying itself.
May the sun rise to a day


Hip hop can be a poem
Just like a family tree can be a totem
Representation in the words
Drastic action in the verbs

Drill Baby Drill

The blackness rushes through oceans
killing or inconvniencing all that it touches.
It spreads to the coastal beaches and swamp lands.
It crawls up rivers and into the gills of surrounding sealife.

Little Pygmy

Life is a tiny little pygmy.
You better enjoy it while it lasts.
Many people latch onto the sad parts
and let it drag them into the dirt


cypher divine
I call upon your bloodline
may it combine with mine
so I can refine

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