Thomas Hood Poems

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In Rotterdam

I gaze upon a city,—
A city new and strange,—
Down many a watery vista

Birthday Verses

Good morrow to the golden morning,
Good morrow to the world's delight—
I've come to bless thy life's beginning,

Hymn To The Sun

Giver of glowing light!
Though but a god of other days,
The kings and sages
Of wiser ages

The Dream Of Eugene Aram

'Twas in the prime of summer-time
An evening calm and cool,
And four-and-twenty happy boys
Came bounding out of school:

I Love Thee

I love thee—I love thee!
'Tis all that I can say;—
It is my vision in the night,
My dreaming in the day;

The Lay Of The Laborer

A spade! a rake! a hoe!
A pickaxe, or a bill!
A hook to reap, or a scythe to mow,
A flail, or what ye will—

Bianca's Dream - A Venetian Story

BIANCA!—fair Bianca!—who could dwell
With safety on her dark and hazel gaze,
Nor find there lurk'd in it a witching spell,

False Poets And True (To Wordsworth)

Look how the lark soars upward and is gone,
Turning a spirit as he nears the sky!
His voice is heard, but body there is none

A Retrospective Review


Oh, when I was a tiny boy,
My days and nights were full of joy,

Farewell, Life! My Senses Swim

Farewell, Life! My senses swim,
And the world is growing dim;
Thronging shadows cloud the light,
Like the advent of the night,—

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