Thoughts of a Single Man Poems

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The Way Of Your Beauty

I know what you want

I know what you need

Deep Run The Roots In The Tree Of Our Love

We are two seeds
that were planted in the field of fate
laid deep in the lush gardens
just beyond the seal of heavens gate

Food For Thought

I sprinkle my thoughts upon this page like seasoning in a pot

I let them simmer as the ink marinates and marks a spot

By The Dawn's Early Light

All was still
as i awoke from my grateful thoughts.
The silence wafted in the air
like the breeze of memories past.

Memories In The Garden

If I could freeze time
I would preserve and view our final night
before the road turned crooked
before you faded from my sight

By The Breath Of A Winters Rose

One thought echoed in the caverns of my mind
where have all the flowers gone?
have they retreated beneath the frozen soil
grasping at the tethered straws of refuge

The Dolphins Of The Dawn

Majestically they twirl in the swim of harmony
beneath the calming waves
communicating between each other in sweeping echoes
as they explore the waters routes


I am lost
marooned on the island on misfit toys
where the lost memories
of little girls and boys are left

To Melt Her Heart Of Ice

On the banks of a frozen river, that ebbs from the waves of an icy dead sea, where those lost in pain float in the drowning depths of anguish and torment I found her. The warmth in her eyes gone, just a cold stare of a woman who was no longer all there, and knew nothing but sorrow. Who cared not for the coming tomorrow for each day was dreary, dark, and the same. In that bitter sweet instant I knew that she was destined to be a part of my life for I was determined to reach her and melt her heart of ice.

She was there alone for so long wading in the frigid waters of her own regrets. Where the sun rarely rises and the moon refuses to set for such was her way for she had been hurt before, tossed aside and left to perish on the highways of broken hearts. It was there that I found her, frozen in that moment in time, that moment in her mind, that held her there in a monument of her own memories. When all she could do was recall the pain, so much so, that it surpassed the recollection of her tormentor's name. Like so many others her existence had began to cease, trapped in a cage of her own design, like a noble frozen beast. She had found no peace./But as I came to her slowly she began to move once more, to prove once more, that hearts can mend with the assistance of a real friend and not all men we cruel and empty in their task and could answer the questions asked. I was there with her as one day the sun peeked it's golden eye over the cloudy dawn and she found herself warm and the ice began to melt. Slowly, ever so slowly, her chest rose heaving as the scars of her pain and grieving faded and I could see her breathing as I began to melt her heart of ice.

Beautiful Me

I am beautiful
I am love
I am caring sharing always daring
to speak what only others think

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