Tiny Feet

Tiny Feet Poems


If you forget
One day
Somewhere in the world
There is a grain of sand

My heart.
What the hell are you doing?
Just beat blood around my body, would ya?

The Best Poem Of Tiny Feet


If you forget
One day
Somewhere in the world
There is a grain of sand
That hums at the same frequency as you
Perhaps you can omit the information you do not wish to divulge
Just yet
Though, I'm sure you know
Man is an island
And his thoughts; the ocean
Focusing on the beating wings
Eyelids project the pale pink glow
Warmth on your shoulder-blades
Gentle curl of hair licks the base of your neck
Fingers search for this grain of sand
The essence
Trapped in the naivety that this grain exists on your island
Sudden telescoping distance
Navigate these waves
And who should come to your rescue?
But when you least expect to call off your search
You open your eyes

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