titus bwayo

titus bwayo Poems

I’m from a home that is full of siblings
Just like the size of Roman Empire
I have three brothers and three sisters that are still growing
I have four cousins, My parents, I and all them live the same building.

The Best Poem Of titus bwayo

Where I'M From

I’m from a home that is full of siblings
Just like the size of Roman Empire
I have three brothers and three sisters that are still growing
I have four cousins, My parents, I and all them live the same building.

I’m from where we speak three languages
And each of the their own purses
We use English in school to write on pages
And just the opposite with Swahili
Daily course, Gishu is used for respect doesn’t have rage.

I’m from where you survived by labor
Because you work deli gently on them farm
Each day for your life, you and every farmer
Woke-up nicely and slept with tired arms
Because you had to plant and harvest to be a survivor.

I’m from home of the hardworking people
I have a sisters who works really hard in school
And brother who is strong and hard as a maple
i also have a father who can use any kind of a tool
all of the my family members are memorable.

I'm from where we are driven to succeed
where life is a curse but we have to turn it into gift
where people like my moms and pops go to school to read
where we are new with useless skills in the our midst
to us life is full of greed that we must meet.

I'm from where our favorite food is fried chicken
where my mother is the best cooking the family
and wherever she cooks, we always eat just after thirteen
i would say 'it's the best food in all humanity'
a fried chicken by mother would make think you are in heaven.

i'm from where soccer is our favorite sport
at evenings my friends, family and i play it for fun.
sometimes we will be kicking it on the road
and others me will be playing in the hot sun
we like playing soccer because it don't get us bored.

i'm from memories of the past that didn't
last i had friends who emerged and disappeared
like the setting sun in summer of august.
or places that i saw dirty but are now cleared
all of this i find in the pictures that are accumulating dusts.

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