Tom Zart Poems

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The Mad Dogs Of Man & American Soldiers


Wherever dwell the mad dogs of man
There is corruption, plunder and hate.

Soldier In Love

I’m just a soldier who’s madly in love
God sent an angel from Heaven above.
She is so beautiful both inside and out
Her love for me is what life is about.

Spiritual Freedom

We find contentment only by our willingness to serve
Choosing the way of Christ as our Savior and Lord.
Denying wickedness and ourselves to follow Him
We rejoice spiritual freedom as our lifetime reward.

Saudi Arabia &the Sins Of Man!

Weakness invites moral plight, war and aggression
Encouraged by mistrust, misjudgment and delay.
All we love can be destroyed and transformed
By the powers of hate maneuvering our way.

Communication With God

Sometimes improving our communication with God
Is as simple as going outside and saying a prayer.
The great visionary blessings in the Bible it’s self
Did not take place in temples but in pastures of despair.

Faith, Love & Forgiveness!

A wise man gives what he cannot keep
To accomplish what he can never lose.
All through life we make our judgments
Praying for the right path to choose.

Lord & Savior

When Christ stood full in the river Jordon
With water streaming from His face and hair.
The Holy Spirit descended in the form a dove
Voicing His approval to preach, teach and share.

To Be Free

With freedom comes a time for remembrance
Of America’s hard won victories over wrong.
It’s the reason we honor our brave men and women
By our gratitude, love, support and song.

The Misdeeds Of Man

There are two worlds, this one and the next
Man’s is deceptive, temporary and full of blame.
God’s is permanent, loving, truthful and complete
Free of hate, lust, war, greed and shame.

Life's Mystical Journey

Life's a book written through
Where the pages are the years.
There's good, evil, false and true
With laughter, sweat, and tears.

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