Tom Zart Poems

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American Soldier, Freedom & Christmas


It’s not a priest that gives us our freedom of religion
And it’s not a reporter that gives us our freedom of voice.

God Is Faithful

Spring, summer, fall and the cold days of winter
Are the seasons of the year upon Earth.
Life also has its seasons of difficulty, sadness and joy
As God gives us purpose to reveal our worth.

God’s Truth

You can always judge a person’s true character
By how much they live by God’s truth.
How anxious they are to provide for others
As they are Godly, kindly, forgiving or uncouth.

Boston Bombing = 2013

There are many who plot to destroy America
Who can’t tolerate how we think, pray or believe.
Freedom of faith, speech, gender, race and workplace
Freedom to become all our hearts may conceive.

Power Of Faith!

Each of us needs to know how much we're loved
As God's wisdom gives hope for mankind.
Those who seek to lead the hearts of others
Must remain forgiving, understand and kind.

To Be Free

With freedom comes a time for remembrance
Of America’s hard won victories over wrong.
It’s the reason we honor our brave men and women
By our gratitude, love, support and song.

Oklahoma City Tornado 2013 = Tears & Sorrow

Tears are the raindrops of the soul
And there's one for all who die.
They are the silent words of grief
As they fall free from the eye.

God's Creation, Salvation & Love

In the darkness of sin we can lose our goodness
As our Lord and Master is always aware.
When we find our souls prisoners of doubt
Our fears and concerns with God we share.

God’s Timing

The best way to learn the falsehoods of life
Is to witness their outcomes first hand.
David was a man who was forced to wait
Though chosen by God to be king of His land.

The Misdeeds Of Man

There are two worlds, this one and the next
Man’s is deceptive, temporary and full of blame.
God’s is permanent, loving, truthful and complete
Free of hate, lust, war, greed and shame.

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