Tom Zart Poems

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God's Hands Of Love

What would we become without God's hands of love
Lonely, anxious, scared, intimidated and sad.
With no one to yearn for or get excited about
No one to turn to, to keep thankful and glad.

A Wise Man Gives

A wise man gives up what he can't keep
To gain what he cannot lose.
Through life we make our judgments
Praying for the right path to choose.

The Blessings Of Love & God

What would we become without God's blessing of love
Lonely, depressed, scared, angry and sad.
With no one to yearn for or get excited about
No one to turn to, to keep thankful and glad.

God's Most Published Poet

I'm God's most published poet
Whose poems have meter and rhyme.
Stories of love, faith, hate, honor and duty,
Obedience, war, heroes, history and crime.

Royals Baseball Poem = 2014

A game called prison ball was enjoyed in France
while English boys played rounder in short pants.
Town ball was the game that Americans played
While friends and family watched from the shade.

To Receive God's Blessings

When we heed God's voice He reveals His wisdom
And our understanding of life expands and grows.
As we serve our Lord with joy and not just as a duty
All which we are is sanctified, justified and shows.

God's Blessing Of Love & More

What would we become without God's blessing of love
Lonely, depressed, scared, angry and sad.
With no one to yearn for or get excited about
No one to turn to, to keep thankful and glad.

To Begin Again

We have been divinely blessed to share God's gifts
To help motivate the hearts and souls of the lost.
Though only if we move from observer to participant
Can we enhance the lives of others at all cost.

Crying Out To God

Crying out to God is a spiritual response
To an urgent need, fear, shame, or heartbreak.
A dangerous condition, physical pain, and confusion
Or just to confess our wrongdoing and mistake.

God Our Father

When it comes to the things of God our Father
Nothing is insignificant or unworthy to serve.
His love and creations are blessings to Earth
And all who have more than we earn or deserve.

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