Tom Zart Poems

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To Rise Again

We should help the poor, widows and orphans,
Visit those who are sick, sad or in prison.
Our divine observance is to share God's will
With the blind of His wisdom, love and vision.

Salvation To Move Forward

We all will leave tracks in the pathway of life
Though what matters is how will we respond?
Will we live our moments for love ones and God
Or will we become a starving fish in a pond.

God's Stars In Space

In the eyes of the Lord uprightness is everything
He wants His children to be characterized by trust.
Integrity is essential for our relationship with Him
Displayed by our actions as we face what we must.

Pressing Fordward

They're not from laws I've broken
Or from all the tears I've wept
Rather from vows I've given
And promises left unkept.

Life Never Waits

Life never waits for us to catch our breath
It keeps moving till death shadows our door.
Where should we look for the courage to carry on
No matter who we are now, the future or before.

Lord Almighty


All of us are fallible creatures created by God
Prone to astonishing moments of worry and despair.

To Perform At Our Best

Most humans are victims of unawareness and sin
What separates us is our guilt, passion and despair.
When we pray to be grateful for all God's blessings
He rewards us with more wisdom and joy to share.

Ferguson Mo. = Policeman & The Law

Misdeeds were put here as a test for mankind
And too many race down the wrong path.
Greed, hate, lust and perversion are Satan's tools
In his workshops of corruption and wrath.

The Power Of God & The Devil's Hand

Good and evil have fought since day one
Long before Earth's weapons of steel.
Humans must choose whom they'll follow
Depending before who they kneel.

God's Test

The shameless hunger for power, wealth and revenge
Therefore a cruel messenger will be sent to their door.
People who justify immoral behavior
Shall be measured by their misdeeds before.

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