Tom Zart Poems

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War Destroys

Weakness invites moral plight, war and aggression
Encouraged by mistrust, misjudgment and delay.
All we love can be destroyed and transformed
By the powers of darkness maneuvering our way.

When Biden Says Goodbye 2024! !

Oh, bear with me for I am old
And lucky to still be alive.
My years have passed much too fast
Though somehow, I survive.

Prisoners Of Russia - 2024! !

When you become a prisoner.
You find you've lost your liberty and more
The guy with the gun tells you what to do
As you yearn for freedoms you had before.

Trump's Mental Disability - 2024? ?

All are accountable to the judgment of time
And when we die without truth our sadness never ends.
By the deepest longing of our heart, mind and soul
We serve our Lord, homeland, family and friends.

God’s Deliverance Of Love

What would we become without God’s deliverance of love
Void of someone to need, dream of and yearn for.
Romance provides purpose, pleasure, trust and motive
To become more than we ever were before.

Thank You For Who Are You In Your Heart

Thank you for who you are in your heart
As you serve others by your commitment and love.
Too many worship money, fame, and themselves
Never to submit to God’s guidelines from above.

Of Man &The Loneliness Of War

Wherever dwell the mad dogs of man
There is corruption, plunder and hate.
In every city, town, or village
Those who promote distrust deserve their fate.

Martin Luther King Jr. & Slavery

Dr. King, one of the most influential black leaders
Was born to a minister and a teacher of school.
Educated to where he earned his P.H.D.
Becoming a pastor marching against what was unfair and cruel.

God's Truthfulness & Love

Thank our Lord for His heavenly blessings
Which too many stay totally unaware of.
Teaching resolve, purpose and compassion
As we submit to His wisdom, forgiveness and love.

Tom Zart = 'soldier & Poet For The Lord

I'm a soldier for the Lord
Who's been up and who's been down
Though while on the battlefield
I have never turned around.

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