Tom Zart Poems

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The Power Of Faith & God's Will

Moment by moment we must listen to our sprit
As God speaks through our soul within.
When we fail to comply and go our own way
We're disobedient and suffer the punishment of sin.

God's Most Over Blessed Poet

Moses, Samson, David, Solomon and Jonah
All failed God in their own human way.
He chose to forgive them and bless their powers
So they might dwell in hearts of man today.

God's Truthfulness & Love

Thank our Lord for His heavenly blessings
Which too many stay totally unaware of.
Teaching resolve, purpose and compassion
As we submit to His wisdom, forgiveness and love.

Tom Zart = 'soldier & Poet For The Lord

I'm a soldier for the Lord
Who's been up and who's been down
Though while on the battlefield
I have never turned around.

Lost & Alone

I treasure my wife more than life itself
For without her presence I’m lost and alone.
Her passion for me has transformed my behavior
As the joys of our blessings are sown.

Jesus, Easter & The First One To Love Me

There once was a traveler who was driven out of town
On His shoulders was a burden that pushed Him to the ground.
On His head was a crown made of thorns from a bush
And the street was so crowded the guards had to push.

God’s Deliverance Of Love

What would we become without God’s deliverance of love
Void of someone to need, dream of and yearn for.
Romance provides purpose, pleasure, trust and motive
To become more than we ever were before.

Thank You For Who Are You In Your Heart

Thank you for who you are in your heart
As you serve others by your commitment and love.
Too many worship money, fame, and themselves
Never to submit to God’s guidelines from above.

Christian In Love

I’m just a Christian who’s madly in love
God sent an angel from Heaven above.
She is so beautiful both inside and out
Her love for me is what life is about.

Alexander The Great & The Mad Dogs Of Man


King Philip his father engaged a new teacher
When Alexander turned thirteen.

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