Tom Zart Poems

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Blood, Life, Sweat & Tears

God created us with specific skills and abilities
Gifts to bring Him His complete divine glory.
With God's grace at our side we live His example
As the deeds of a lifetime foretell our story.

God's Disciples Of Love

God doesn't give every person the same blessing
Each believer receives at least one spiritual gift.
According to your soul's purpose and choosing
As you are called to give others reassurance and lift.

Accomplish, Love & Serve

If life challenges us past our comfort zone
Our natural reaction is to distrust God with tears.
Satan loves anxiety to hinder our belief
That Christ's wisdom can free us from fears.

America, Freedom & Our Flag = July - +th

America the abundant the place I was born
I'll cherish till the day I die.
Where the bones of past heroes lie buried in the ground
Who loved her the same as I.

Happy Hearts

Better is the heart filled with love and quietness
Than one that feasts on the loudness of strife.
Angry hearts fan the flames of failure
Eager to reject God's blessings of life.

God's Promise Of Grace

All men are lost and face God's divine judgment
Along with their need to heed to the glory of His Son.
Who suffered the cross to save man's soul
And to put the angles of darkness on the run.

Stress, Fear, Heartbreak & Survival

The hope, trust and comfort that Christ brings forth
To all those who await His arrival.
Can be yours today no matter your pain
Caused by stress, fear, heartbreak and survival.

Without Hesitation Or Dispair

If you wish a new start, begin with prayer
And fall on your face before God.
It's the last thing the devil wishes us to do
As the tongues of the unfaithful calls us odd.

Believe, Confess, Repent And Share

Every moment of our Earthly existence
Is observed by our Father above.
He sees and feels our every passion
As He answers our prayers with love.

When Your Purpose Is Divine!

Happy hearts prosper on what is truthful and good
Where dishonored ones fester and rot to the bone.
Life charts our course but God guides our way
As His wisdom and love become our own.

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