Tom Zart Poems

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Paris Attacks & Hatred = 2015

Hatred has plagued man since we wore skins of fur
Beating our enemies with stick and stone.
History has proven what we refuse to learn
As the seeds of hate by conflict are sown.

Dr. Ben Carson Poem = America

America, the abundant, the place I was born
I'll cherish till the day I die.
Where the bones of past heroes lie buried in the ground
Who loved her the same as I.

Kansas City Poet Tom Zart & People In Love

Kansas City, I love you
Where else would I want to be
But by the fountains in the parks
With my girl smiling at me.

Tobacco Or Pot?

Tobacco is a plant whose leaves contain nicotine
The most addictive drug abused by man.
Over 4,000 chemicals are released by its tars
As addicts sniff, chew, smoke cigarettes or pipe in hand.

Paris Attacks Poem = Heroes 2015

Where are the heroes who march in a line
Where are the heroes your son and mine?
Where are the daughters who pledge to serve
Where are the daughters whose honor they deserve?

Paris Attacks Poem & Heroes

Where are the heroes who march in a line
Where are the heroes your son and mine?
Where are the daughters who pledge to serve
Where are the daughters whose honor they deserve?


Gratitude begins with our tribute and love
For all God’s blessings we never deserve.
When grateful we share our joy with others
By how we live, learn, protect and serve.

Thanksgiving Prayer Poem

At night I pray thank you to my loving Lord
For all the blessings I could never afford.
Earth has its givers and sinners who take
Life can be hurtful when loves a mistake

Thanksgiving & Love

I love to be loved in the morning
I love to be loved at night.
I love to be loved anytime
For love in the darkness is light.

Credit Card Christmas & Love

Christmas is coming and our cards are all maxed
My wife says don't fret, just try to relax.
Her car needs breaks, and mine needs new tires.

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