Tom Zart Poems

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Life on Earth is a dangerous journey
As we walk down survival's road
Fearing someday that we might suffer.
Lord, we pray you’ll lighten our load.

July 4 Th. & The Liberty Of Man

The plotters and planners of America's doom
Pledge to murder and maim all they can.
From early childhood they are taught
To kill is to become a man.

July 4th. & America

America, the abundant, the place I was born
I'll cherish till the day I die.
Where the bones of past heroes lie buried in the ground
Who loved her the same as I.

July 4th. U.S.A.

America, the abundant, the place I was born
I'll cherish till the day I die.
Where the bones of past heroes lie buried in the ground
Who loved her the same as I.

Our Flag, Freedom & The 4th. Of July

Our flag is fabric wove of thread
Carried by heroes live and dead.
She stands for justice and courage too
With her colors; red, white and blue.

Love & Wine

No rope or cable can hold so tight
What love can do with twine.
No kiss can taste so bittersweet
As the one which captures our mind.

Attitude & The Storms Of Life

The storms of life come to everyone
There are none who are immune.
Some approach in our later years
While others come too soon.

The Pitfalls Of Life

No one is immune to the pitfalls of life
Though some seem to avoid its toll.
The three qualities that set hardy people apart
Are love of challenge, commitment and control.

Little Babies & Love

Little baby, I love you
For you are a part of me
Each and every inch you’ll grow
I want to be there to see.

The Power Of Obedience!

Some of us are as God planned
Though many are far worse.
Our characters are not of marble
So the Devil may work his curse.

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