Victoria Gauci Poems

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There once was a fly named Red,
Who loved to fly around my head,
He'd land on my nose,
And sit there and pose,

Candle Lit At Both Ends

In you I see the candles lit at both ends,
A fascinating life with many good friends,
You view the world from your own vantage point,
Like a comfy bar stool in your favorite joint,

By The Wayside

When things were so beautiful, my heart was an open door,
Now things have been painful and I can't take anymore,
So much was wonderful back when I found you,
You're different, now I don't want to be around you,

I Am

I am sad,
I am mad,
I am glad,
I am confused,

I Can'T, I Can

I can't move my own mind,
It is steadfast in it's place,
Always things that need to be done,
Life is an endless race,

A Battle I Cannot Win

My heart starts pounding so very fast,
And I wonder if my soul will last,
Through the pain and awful fire,
Too long I've allowed it to transpire,

After Christmas

The Christmas wonder comes to close,
And wearily I feel woe,
My heart is dripping icicle tears,
For loss of moments and the years,

My Wisdom

As I look at all of this cigarette dust,
A tool of divorce that beings disgust,
I've used it to cool the inner furnace,
And bring all my issues to the surface,


When I think of you,
A smile comes to my face,
As quick as the wind,
Or a warm embrace,

Lynne And Lynn

I love you, have I told you that I love you?
Have I told you how abundantly I think of you?
You bring comfort to my life and shelter to my soul,
Just thinking about you makes me feel whole,

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