Vikram Aarella - The Poem Shooter Poems

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A Poet Can See

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The wallpaper today is stained yellow
but smells good
my razor cuts a square piece off
cardinals sing, blackbirds mate

In Your Shade

I have suffered a lot in life
I am exhausted and tired,
Like the sun, before I fade
Take me into your shade.

It Happens For Good

Everything happens for good
Whatever has happened in the past
Whatever that is happening now
And whatever that will happen in future.

Hair’s Breadth From Death

Has it happened to you?
When you felt you were,
So close to being eliminated
From the existence forever.


Which is better, this or that?
I am bad at taking a`decision,
I wish I was like some genius
Who can hit target with precision.

My Girl

Deep in my heart
In my body’s every part,
Is a place for my girl
Who for me is like a pearl.

The Cardiff Scavengers

They are everywhere, on hospital, on temple, on castle
They spend their time terrorising innocent people.

They fly around and harass you for no reason,

Ashes Of The Year

Aussies trashed at lords
England is thanking the gods
Cricket will be rained with rewards
Without any thought or regards.

Tasi - My Cat

It brought us so much joy
Was very hairy and was like a toy,
Cute, chubby and a little fat
Its name was tasi, it was my cat.

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