Virginia Jean Robert

Virginia Jean Robert Poems


A memory
My heart has treasured;
Realities its Flesh

The Best Poem Of Virginia Jean Robert


A memory
My heart has treasured;
Realities its Flesh
Courage its Bones
Character its Lifeblood
Love its soul.

'You piece of ****!
How do you think you could provide for her? '
'Sir, I am truly deeply sorry,
But I want you to know that I love your daughter ver...'
'What? ? ? **! So you think you can?
You are nothing but dirty poor rug! '


TORMENTED in s i l e n c e,
innocence beleaguered─
by destiny's befalling

Consumed by ANGUISH,
and pining for escape;
Oh! direst bewildering course!

But Flee they must
whilst moment,
still permissive;
FLEE! amid Sire's ferocious hoarse!

For He has gone
completely succumbed
He's roused to BLAZING!

FLEE! They make ere his FURY RAVAGES ALL!

hush... hush....

'hush... hush...
my cherished one..
for everything will be OK,
this comes and shall go by.'

Calmly... He spoke
whilst pressing to hide,
ne'er, ne'er to render,
His buried troubles, he confines.

'hush.. hush...
for I...
will take care and love you always,
never will I say good-bye.'

Uttered He
whose wounds, black and blues,
no more unbearable
than His bitter Woes.

'hush now..hush now..hush...
your face...
Nothing hurts me more than to see you cry; '

Gently, soothing her gasping sobs,
leading her
into His assuring warm caress.

Ublessed on such a day, fair as of celestial
Two hearts, intense and despised, together they vowed
To life, they're unwise, to her, faithfully, they bowed.


Self-indulging SEAS,
immense and MIGHTFUL,
placid and FLUSTERED,
there he wends

His promised land,
which milks... tears of yearnings,
and honeys siege of labor;
where home is far whilst fear nears;

Where He
parties─with ropes and anchors;
and joyrides with tempestuous
erstwhile named lordly Great Seas;

Where youth's courage,
once, he boasted,
wavering naive courage,
is bound to ripe and never to bend.

For FATHERHOOD He's embraced shall not to fall.

many years...

Whilst birds chirp lovelier as theirs,
I walk into morns
with numbness of day so ordinary;

But loveliest those dawns, few;
when He... ought to mingle in my dreams,
I Wake...
Astonished by his 'trueness'.

Whilst children hand in hand with theirs,
I watch and wish
as breezing thoughts of Him
enthralls me unwary;

But cheeriest I, always,
for the letters I can't read
or—hear His voice of fineness.

Whilst Most in merriment as theirs,
I stare and strain,
wond'ring of His─Ours
this selfish solitary!

But reminiscing that Yule,
when out of the blue,
there came...
HE! Home! such a present from the Highness!

Many, many years, aboard He, in that vessel
Vessel, obedient child of the seas
Fervently, She prays the rosaries.


At last!
As many had once said,
stories had told,
'At last! the Heavens heard His pleas! '

Is it..perhaps,
this tale has bled their mercy to its depths?
is it the fervent prayers of His Wife?

Be it their mercy or Her prayers,
to the Heavens, I know not where,
my gratitude
cannot be enough

For a toil in Land
to Him they grant,
a toil more pitiful
than that of the Seas.

I was eight, my sister blossoming and all.

This and everyday....

Though He may have noticed none,
but my eyes see all of my old convictions,

When long... I believed
He's a man of hard-work,

The Sun, ill-tempered as it is,
can shroud Him gently, shroud Him burning
but there He...

Dust and smoke
relentlessly adorning His porous skin, His air;
but there stood still...
selfless bearer!

And the People, Oh! the People,
disparate as designed;
Some I've witnessed
talk such overbearing;

But there,
My Father,
a calm resolute,
disentangles such wrangles, cleverly as ever!

This and everyday, nothing He will not tackle
This, by the Real Altruist, to suffice us, beings of needs
Everyday... to uphold lifely worth to our mere existence.


A youth You were
But BOLDLY You took─fatherhood
And Passionately─stayed for good.
My Life.....Azure! ! !

Thank You, Pa!

A memory
My Heart has teared
My Flesh its Realities
My Bones its Courage
My Lifeblood its Character
My Soul its Love.

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