Wilfrid Scawen Blunt Poems

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A New Pilgrimage: Sonnet Iv

Behold the deed is done. Here endeth all
That bound my grief to its ancestral ways.
I have passed out, as from a funeral,

Red, Red Gold

Red, red gold, a kingdom's ransom, child,
To weave thy yellow hair she bade them spin.
At early dawn the gossamer spiders toiled,

A New Pilgrimage: Sonnet Xiii

And what strange sights have these threewindows seen,
Mid bonnes and children, in the Tuileries!
What flights of hero, Emperor and Queen,

A Chaunt In Praise

How many hymns have I chaunted, Lady, in laud of thee,
Each with a sigh for its burthen, tear for its antiphon?

A Day In The Castle Of Envy

The castle walls are full of eyes,
And not a mouse may creep unseen.
All the window slits are spies;
And the towers stand sentinel

A New Pilgrimage: Sonnet Ix

These were in truth brave days. From our high perch,
The box--seat of our travelling chariot, then

A New Pilgrimage: Sonnet Xii

Dear royal France! I fix the happy year
At forty--seven, because that Christmas--tide
There passed through Pau the Duke of Montpensier,

A Summer In Tuscany

Do you remember, Lucy,
How, in the days gone by
We spent a summer together,
A summer in Tuscany,

A New Pilgrimage: Sonnet I

Care killed a cat, and I have cares at home,
Which vex me nightly and disturb my bed.
The things I love have all grown wearisome;

A New Pilgrimage: Sonnet Viii

I will sit down awhile in dalliance
With my dead life, and dream that it is young.
My earliest memories have their home in France,

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