Wilfrid Scawen Blunt Poems

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Don Juan’s Good-Night

Teach me, gentle Leporello,
Since you are so wise a fellow,
How your master I may win.
Leporello answers gaily


Fools! must we ever quarrel with our fate,
Too late
Reading the worth of what we did despise,
And wise

Written At Florence

O WORLD, in very truth thou art too young;
When wilt thou learn to wear the garb of age?
World, with thy covering of yellow flowers,
Hast thou forgot what generations sprung

A Convent Wothout God

A prison is a convent without God.
Poverty, Chastity, Obedience
Its precepts are. In this austere abode

A New Pilgrimage: Sonnet Xxviii

Yet it is pitiful how friendships die,
Spite of our oaths eternal and high vows.
Some fall through blight of tongues wagged secretly,

New Things Are Best

What shall I tell you, child, in this new Sonnet?
Life's art is to forget, and last year's sowing

A New Pilgrimage: Sonnet Xxiv

And here too I, the latest fool of Time,
Sad child of doubt and passionate desires,
Touched with all pity, yet in league with crime,

Youth And Knowledge

What price, child, shall I pay for your bright eyes
(How large a debt!) the light they shed on me?
What for your cheeks, so red in their surprise,

Jacinths And Jessamines

Jacinths and jessamines and jonquils sweet,
All odorous pale flowers from Orient lands,
No vain red roses strew I at thy feet,

A New Pilgrimage: Sonnet Xxxvii

I will release my soul of argument.
He that would love must follow with shut eyes.
My reason of the years was discontent,

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