Wilfrid Scawen Blunt Poems

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Esther, A Sonnet Sequence: Xliii

How shall I tell my fall? The life of man
Is but a tale of tumbles, this way thrown
At his beginning by mere haste of plan

Esther, A Sonnet Sequence: Xliv

We came at last, alas! I see it yet,
With its open windows on the upper floor,
To a certain house still stirring, with lights set,

Esther, A Sonnet Sequence: Xiii

A second warning, nor unheeded. Yet
The thought appealed to me as no strange thing,
Pure though I was, that love impure had set

Esther, A Sonnet Sequence: Xxxv

``Silence. I will not listen!'' ``And for what?''
She added strangely, in a softer mood.
``You see I am not angry. Do you not?

All White Continued

Ah, beautiful sweet woman, made in vain,
Since Launcelot is dead and only I,
Alas for this new world of recreant men,

Love’s Likenings

To what, love, shall I liken thee?
Thou, methinks, shalt firstly be
A blue flower with nodding bells

Love Me A Little

Love me a little, love me as thou wilt,
Whether a draught it be of passionate wine
Poured with both hands divine,
Or just a cup of water spilt

A Woman’s Sonnets: Iv

Should ever the day come when this drear world
Shall read the secret which so close I hold,
Should taunts and jeers at my bowed head be hurled,

Esther, A Sonnet Sequence: Ii

Yes, who shall tell the value of our tears,
Whether we wept aright or idly grieved?
There is a tragedy in unloved years,

Jewelled Offering

Jewelled offering bring I none,
Jade or pearl or precious stone,
Urn of crystal, bale of spice,
Unguent culled in Paradise,

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