William Ndoyisile Somenze Poems

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I Am Twenty One

I am twenty one & this age should be my democracy, my freedom choice, to listen to none, but my own voice.it`s a turning point of my life, & with the life in point-resonsibility should be my wife, my law, my constitute of rules.


I feel so naked
tongue disrobes its sheath,
thoughts turn from being in a silent mode,
to speaking loud in empty pages,

The Mist In His Eyes

broken hearted lad, in search of a path to tread on,
as life left him discarded,
seeing the unregarded.
his veins compressed with cold blood,

Dear Beautiful Girl

dear beautiful girl
you have kissed the iris of my eye,
leaving my tongue to commit a crime,
raping my throat when trying to articulate,

I Want To Write You A Letter-

i want to write you a letter
with alphabets and words that
articulates the heart's matter
from my thoughts

May The 5th

May the 5th
a mark on the calender
reminding me of your birth,
when your period of birth and death

Whose Praise Do We Give?

barnes in the toilsome world,
transporting the unknown
ascentral traits,
with a phrase vacillating,

Her Life Bitten The Dust

her life bitten the dust,
if you ask me how i would say;

a pestiferious noxious poison penetrated her skin deep,

Like You Were My First Love

i was twenty one when my heart tripped in its enormous beat cause of your alluring sight,
when i began to thrive and the scent of your skin that enabled my nostrils to sniff the aroma of love and opened up my eyes,

when shackles that fixed me to a childhood stage were broken by the dabbled emotions that spattered at your exquisite portrayal,

Fell Inlove

she crippled my heart when her sight broke through my eyes right into my chest and ripped its bones apart,

like a boulder averted to float in the sky, it leaped like droplets of rain from the hemisphere of loneliness and solitude and came down toppling like football scrum,

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