Xavier Mandreza Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Sonnet - 167

Thank you, dear Friends, Jewels of the Southeast
I'm honoured to serve my Lord Philip's needs
Alas I must go for to say at least
This Exercise was best to state your Creed

Sonnet - 168

Be there Words, or Grief, that one can rapage
Or subtle Chemistry dare would I make
Else if my Labours could withdraw this Rage
Or Triumph by Fossils all dug forsake

A Mother's Rapport

Sonnet - 169

Whereas one breeds Good Lies for such Encore
Once such my Forceps too drugged to detect
That by Campaign prove Sympathy before
And polarise Dark Victims to their suspect

Sonnet - 170

For We consume our own Poison to date
From each Salt or Leaded Matter devise
Then blame your Divinity sooth Forsake
And channel those False Prophets otherwise

Sonnet - 171

When Later Loves make your Honesty prove
And entomb your Words honestly recite
By much a Metre does your Heart much groove
And base your Revolution could incite


Shaunting Smiles bake my Friends by Apparel
Of the Tamaraw's Land our Mangyans breed
This Souvenir our Healing Joy foretell
Enhance our Local and Daring Steed


Many by Counsel urge your Body pursuade
Such as Gift your Best Living Talent pursue
By itself the Truth your Conscience invade
Yet such Art of Olympus your Life imbue


Dare the Spider-Lad take his best Fling
As your Hormones stick that Wind-Shield impale
That Stunt this Life your Nature's Form must Sing
And brandish Fine Youth for Lessons prevail


At this Point where my Roulette takes a Toll
So must this Dharma bleed your Gospel feed
And force this Turn where one's Rise takes a Fall
Transmuting such Blessings into your Creed

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