Yana Djin

Yana Djin Poems

is no bliss.
It is a nightmare
where alone,

Words. They don't impress me.
They are empty,
though not necessarily light.
You didn't use words.

I sobered up, i faced my misery.
Leonard Cohen

One said: I waited for God.
Filling myself with
repentence, hurt.
The other replied:

When the sun set
And the seagulls flew,
I was thinking of you.
When the sun rose -

One said to Jesus:
'I admire you, rabbi.'
Jesus replied:
Fool. You are shallow.

Very often logic is the movement in the wrong direction.
Nodar Djin

let's go to bed
you lick my tears

i woke up thought
of the dead.
closed my eyes
there was no dread

when illusions burst
you freeze. stand still.
all you remember is how to loose.
and the feel of the noose

The hard knot of indifference


infused with fear,
laws, rules
poisoning the fresh minds


In that empty, dark room
the universe narrowed
to the nape of your neck
where I buried my face.

A bomb exploded in the cattle market
killing 10 men.
Their limbs strewn randomly
on the bloody pavement

The Empire crumbled.
And the rich man became
a beast who eats grass.
No sound or flesh


The woman sucking on a stone
imagined that it was a Persian nougat ball.
And she sucked on it with
the oblivion of a child left alone.

Words barely
brush the surface.
Deeds get to the core.
Be silent.

Yana Djin Biography

Yana Djin (born 1969, in Tbilisi, Georgia) is an American poet. She lived in Moscow. In 1980, she emigrated to the United States where she studied philosophy and journalism. Yana Djin writes poetry in English. Her first book of poetry 'Bits And Pieces of Conversations' was published in the US in 1994. Her poems in Russian translation were first published in 1997 in the 'Literaturnaya Gazeta' under the heading 'The New Literary Star' followed by the publications in the literary magazines 'Druzhba Narodov' and 'Novy Mir'. In 2000, Yana Djin's book of poetry (in English and Russian) 'Inevitable' was published in Moscow to critical acclaim. In 2003 her third book of poetry 'Realm of Doubts' was published by the OGI publishing house. She wrote a biweekly social-political column 'Letters from America' for the English language Moscow News.)

The Best Poem Of Yana Djin

Eternity Haiku

is no bliss.
It is a nightmare
where alone,
you stand
before the One
who knows it all
knows you whole.
Do not let the soothsayers
comfort you in vain
with tunnells of light,
immortal gain
of transcendent hue.
where you
finally reach the point of

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