Yekaterina Bezpalaya Poems

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One Of Those Days

One day I'll fly to the high heavens.
One day I'll let not a tear be shed from the eyes of a child.
One day I'll protest for global reform.
One day I'll make sure all of God's creatures live in blissful harmony.

Fastforwarding To Tomorrow

My future is my diamond,
a precious gem that has no price.
It is my God foresken pathway,
Life and Death, two-sided dice.


Just beyond the shooting stars,
just beyond the rising waves,
hear the cooes of a lullaby,
by a mother day and night.

Winged Toys

The squeaky shiny hinges,
like from oiled engines' roars,
or swooshing green propellers,
like lions' chases after wild boars.

Tiger Raged

What inspires the tiger that beats from within?
Making my eyes crouch and follow jumping prey.
Where is the desire to kill?
To tear at flesh make it not my own.

Fear Faith

Why is it that my eyes repent at what they see?
Beauty is no factor here,
it gives not what is true.

Water In The Coffee Cup

A gentle orchid in the breeze,
a boulder to rooted ground.
Water always finds a way to make a rock so round.
A song will always find a way to wiggle into your ears,

Heart Of Gold

I am strength visioned by all,
You cannot see me if you take drugs as a desire to fall.

To fall where nothing lives to grow,

Springtime Season

Trees swaying,
brooks overflowing,
eating ripe apples,
and laughing away.

The Quiet Boulder

The rock, and the wind, and the mountain, and river.
The sunrays are masters, and the Sun is the giver.
The towering mountain, it gives quite a leer,
The savageful wind brings danger and fear.

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