Come Closer! Draw Near! Poem by Rhodesse Fanche

Come Closer! Draw Near!

Whispers of falsehood dance through the air,
Lies about me, a burden I bear.
Closer, come closer, and seek the truth,
Discover the essence of my spirit, uncouth.

Oh, the tales they spin, tarnishing my name,
Before judgment, seek the facts, a fair game.
Why spread rumors without a second thought?
Draw near, unveil the truth you sought.

I am not the danger they claim I be,
A victim of falsehoods that blind and deceive.
Oh, the weight of their accusations, so vile,
But come closer, dear stranger, and stay awhile.

Evil, they say, with venomous words,
Yet what do they gain, these tales absurd?
Do they seek solace by casting me down?
I am but a child, striving to wear my own crown.

Why waste precious moments, tarnishing my fame?
Draw near, embrace the truth, let falsehoods wane.
Discover the real me, a soul so bright,
Contrary to beliefs that shroud me in night.

Oh, the echoes of deceit, a haunting refrain,
But draw closer, dear seeker, and you shall gain,
Insight into the depths of my being so free,
And realize the truth, the real me you'll see.

Oh no, not again, these whispers unkind,
Yet come closer, dear listener, and you shall find,
The essence of me, a spirit untamed,
Untouched by the lies, my true self unblamed.

Sunday, August 9, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: gossip,gossips ,lie,lies,relationship
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