Eternal Love: A Tribute To My Hero Poem by Rhodesse Fanche

Eternal Love: A Tribute To My Hero

Within my heart, the tears cascade,
A torrent of sorrow, an ache unfade,
For my hero, my dad, has taken flight,
Leaving behind memories, precious and bright.

At five years old, you held my hand,
Guided me to school, a noble strand,
Ensuring education's sacred bloom,
In your loving care, I found my room.

Through university's arduous fray,
You persevered, lighting my way,
Motivating, supporting, with unwavering might,
You shaped the woman in me, igniting my light.

How can I contain these tears that flow?
How can I bear this pain, this heavy blow?
My hero, my dad, now dwelling above,
Gone from this realm, yet bound by love.

In every struggle, you stood by my side,
Comforted me in labor's relentless tide,
Through sleepless nights, baby in our arms,
Your dedication, a shield against life's harms.

Oh, how could I forget those treasured days?
My hero, my dad, with your gentle ways,
Your smile, a sunbeam, warming my soul,
Your wisdom, a compass, making me whole.

If tears could summon you back to my side,
I'd weep a river, embracing the tide,
But alas, my dear dad, you've embarked on a flight,
Leaving a legacy of love, shining so bright.

No, no, dear dad, my heart's mournful plea,
Why did you depart without saying goodbye to me?
I was coming home, yearning to hold you near,
To convey my love, to whisper, 'I'm here.'

But destiny called, and you had to depart,
Leaving an indelible void, piercing my heart,
I can't contain these tears, this piercing pain,
For my hero, my dad, shall never return again.

Yet, in my soul, your love abides,
A beacon of strength, where love resides,
Forever cherished, your spirit soars,
In every breath, in life's open doors.

So let the tears flow, a river of love,
Honoring the bond we were blessed to have,
For my hero, my dad, though physically gone,
Your love, eternal, forever lives on.

Eternal Love: A Tribute To My Hero
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