The Firstborn Baby Boy Poem by Yousif Ibrahim Abubaker Abdalla

The Firstborn Baby Boy

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Congratulations for our new-born baby boy; life may seem like a clock, but you will have a wonderful upbringing; you're life has barely growing by leaps and bound.

Showing his blessings upon you; and may God reward you with good, grant you the same and increase your reward.

Your radiant mock has got such a beautiful new scratch, don't worry if it all seems overwhelming right away, in the end you will create beautiful memories that will never fad.

Twinkle twinkle, how you fill our hearts with gladness, you are sweetness of world covered in the colours of a rainbow; you are our endless wonder from the heaven sent to touch our life with grin.

You have made our happiness be seen from the moon, you laugh and giggle make everyone smile, we have such huge plans and dreams for person.

It's been hardly two years since we got married and we have been given bad news by the doctor.

We will be sacrificing anything to make your own dreams come true; you are kind of love that soften even the hardest, you brought to us peace of mind and dry our sad tear.

I cannot show enough praise each day, you're the stars that brighten up our sky in the darkness of the night, you're the air that gives us such majestic perfume.

Remember tomorrow is another day of gaining for you, this world will be full of temptation and trouble.

By the Grace of Allah we have been blessed with …baby boy meet new member of our family, after a long journey of fatigueless burdensome.

The Firstborn Baby Boy
I wrote this poem on 22th of September 2017 and this poem is about Children are among the greatest joys in life. Nothing is more special than the arrival of my first-born baby boy on this Earth. Don't let this special occasion pass you by with out taking the chance to properly commemorate the monumental importance of a new baby.
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