Going Unnatural

Encountering no problem,
If follow straight path,
Life becomes hell,
If nothing goes well,

If you brush well,
No pain in tooth,
No more tooth decay
And no more bad smell,

Mercy, Rain God

Mercy O, rain God,

Down pour you shower,
Nothing will be left but fewer,
We might have committed error,
Forgive us forever and grant us favour,

Nothing will mushroom,
Flowers will not bloom,
Can you hear cry from your groom?

13.08.2009 Holiest Archetype

Mellen-Thomas Benedict
a near-death experience
related in his book called
Journey Through the Light

Everything - Hindu Judaist
Protestant Buddhist all of
them represents a facet of
the whole religions should

End Of An Era


How to make you believe
As to how I'm feeling now?
How do we survive -
Can anybody show a path? ? ?

Stage 1.

Crocodiles are in water

Nature Smiles

Nature smiles

Look at our side
Your eyes shall remain wide
In astonishment
For being ignorant or absent

Nature has never deceived
But received
With care and attention

Rainy Season; Two Scenes


Incessant rains, heavy down pour,
Inundating roads, bazars and residences.
Rails slowed down and traffic jammed,
Pedestrians floating in waist deep waters.

Vehicular traffic forced at stand still
Helpless train commuters tied and jammed
Away from homesand places of work

Environmental Behavior

Environmental behavior

I always insist
But resist
Any cruelty against nature
As it affected our future

The haphazard way of deforestation
The digging of mines in fertile region
The excessive use of fertilizers

Hello Sire! Preserve Nature!

She is a girl of silence and a gift of elegance!
She never talks or walks yet she is the symbol of colossal truth;
She derives strength from no source yet an ample resource,
Hence, She inspires us to express the universal truth to the youth.

And flowing brooks, gigantic Himalayas and seven colored rainbow
Are representing Wordsworth's Nature and of Coleridge's stature!
Rare aquatic antelopes and rabbits in teaming colors make me bow;
She's not a flirty nor a crafty girl, still she's the loftiest creature!

Look At Nature And

Look at nature and
Sunday,9th May 2021

I look at nature
and feel reassured
that there is something special
for all of us as an individual

what have we failed to pick?
and applied the same set stick!

I Am Afraid

The way world is moving today
I am afraid to say.

Cruelty will rule upon
The way it flourishes today!

Atrocities and pollutions only
Will be the call of the day.

And one day there will be -

Father Nature

Nature's magical existence
Everything at its core setting
Flourishing to decomposing
For billions of years
Mother nature has been resillient
Surving meteor bombardment
worldwide volcanic eruptions
Even planet collisions
plus several mass extinctions
Lots of life eliminated on the planet

Your Tension

Look at our side
Your eyes shall remain wide
In astonishment
For being ignorant or absent

Nature has never deceived
But received
With care and attention
That is how it is call human-nature relation

Color Of Pain

What's the color of life mama
What's the color of lie
What's the color of pain mama
What's the color of pride
Why do you cry mama
Why do you hide
What's the color of color mama
What's the color of kite
Why did daddy die mama
Why did he die

Freedom And Peace Lost!

This world has become worthless to live sans freedom and -peace;
Freedom is lost in the name of developments affecting all ever;
All complexities and problems accruing due to that faded peace!

Development of villages and towns into cities destroys Nature
Due to deforestation for laying roads across farms and fields;
Individual survival is threatened by external interventions!

Sans individual rights and liberties, freedom is lost in the world;
Bureaucratic executions of plans should have people's compliance;

Protect Nature And Environment

I shall not watch helplessly at the sky
I shall never entertain and ask why
The ideas about disappearance of earth
The destruction of whole world with shot sure deaths

I hear and read many stories which are circulated
May be it has some basic facts but totally unrelated
Arrived at conclusion on basis of some calculation
It has many flaws but not ruled out of question

Not Natural But...

Bushes are pushed
Trees are subjected to satire
Why should they give shade?
Why not make it as trade?

The Government has claimed
Taxes on everything and shamed
For water they charge heavily
Even though it is available naturally

I Made Fool

I made fool of my self
I was searching treasure in sea shelf
It was thinking of my own
The consequences were unknown

I claim to be natural lover
Staunch supporter and believer
Never side with deforestation
As I want to feel and have close relation

Betrayal Of Trust

Rain God is turning hostile
Heavy to moderate rain meanwhile
Harvest is washed away or spoiled
The belly for poor remains unfilled

The seasons too playing cruel
Nothing goes well
The prices are sky rocketing
It is difficult to go for marketing

Nature For Us Here

Nature for us here
Tuesday,8th October 2019

Take care
for nature and assure
nature is our existence
let it not be lost in the sentence

it is totally free
fruits are laden on trees

Trespassers Will Be Prosecuted

How often we see this board
"Trespassers will be prosecuted"
On private properties
On agriculture lands
And just imagine, what if
We see such board,
which is already hanging
and only our soul can see
our conscience can realize
and every signs in nature hold them