A Rose Is A Rose Is A Rose

A Rose is a Rose is a Rose

A Rose will I give to you,
A rose bloomed in an arbor,
Silent garden with ecstatic fume
did give birth to that bloom.
A Rose will be for a Rose,
Timelessness for your love,
With deep sensual sensitivity,

My Namesake

Addressed to Francis Greenleaf Allison of Burlington, New Jersey.

You scarcely need my tardy thanks,
Who, self-rewarded, nurse and tend--
A green leaf on your own Green Banks--
The memory of your friend.

For me, no wreath, bloom-woven, hides
The sobered brow and lessening hair
For aught I know, the myrtled sides

Me Poet Yeps The Poet..

The Poet the poet
You are not a stream
O poet the poet,
You are a source
From where stream springs,
If poetry is a stream,
Your are an epical dream,
Every breath of you
Is a canto.

Women Of Words 05 - Muddupalini

Was a Devadasi
And consort of
King Pratap Singh
Of Thanjavur.

She was well versed
In Telugu and Sanskrit literature,
was an accomplished dancer,
A composer and choreographer

Homage To Michael Madhusuda Dutta

Michael Madhusuda Dutta__ Homage
On 26 th January, birthday...

The bard of Bengal the impetus
Restless constant for parboiled
To the abbot of thy being Calliope,
Though it seem unconsciously full of life,

Inner Realm - Pain In Heart

Inner Realm
Pain in heart

Poignant pain In the wall of my heart 💓
In the deepest part of my being.
It is due to unusual dream that lasted not,
It is due to fullness that life failed to achieve.
Pain poignant to walk on the path leading to nowhere,
Life is a walking with no aim to reach,
An aimless march to a path without track.

All-Pervading Supreme Being

In all, scintillates Thy divinity.
In all, Thou art, Thou art, Thou art.
O Lord! In all, Thou art, Thou art, Thou art.

In the sweet mellifluous tone of cuckoo,
in the efflorescent fragrant lotus,
in the lucid-watered lake,
in the mountain where flows
the fountain with indistinct tunes,
scintillates Thy novelty,

Maducayan, Ili Tako (Maducayan, Our Place)

Att.Basilio Wandag Melvin D. Banggollay

Sia se vobroy, nanggawa-an, (It’s an abode surrounded)
... Vilig nan-jomma-jommang (by mountains in every sides
Nampod-aden, na se dao-wang (where a pristine river fed
Danum da siw-wang-wangan (all mankind who resides

2.Urey no ngan, Nangasawaan (Wherever, we got married)

Weeping Branch

Mist in modern discourse:
protesting decor, Lavender Mist.
Dismissive of mist's specifications
and spacing on canvas, you now have

know-how - decorative, unless it is
axiomatic lyricism; the lyric,
not too decorative, unless it is
complacent. Prejudicial against lyric


How deep could I plough I wonder!
I know my limit, I hear the Thunder!
The Why is subtle, the When, Where
The How too, yet the Query everywhere!
The Time, the master traveler, tills an’ tills
Till what time, Janaka and Balarama only know!
But I have to furrow into the depth till it stills
Though shallow my frail, untrained Will could harrow.

Old New Wise Original 07 23 2010

Original 07 23 2010

New: appendages to wing
Torrents on nature’s streaming
River courses and grand parading
Troubadour boulevards and
Evening lady Promenades
Could music proclaim –or silence

Bhim Puja/Vasant Panchami

Bhim Puja

I can see them at work,
Making a large clay idol
Of Mahabharatan Bhim
With a mace
With a sturdy, bulging
And robust bust

Celebrated by the folks

Sitakant Mahapatra

Sitakant Mahapatra,
An Oriya poet of Orissa,
Orissan myth, populace, art, culture,
Thought, society and tradition,
A ditto Oriya man
With his nativity and roots of Orissa
Writing about the Orissan landscapes,
Intruding upon their resonant silence,
Personal space and scapes.

The Terracotta Temple

The terracotta temple, the small-small temples,
Standing as historical heritage and legacy,
Which you know not, I know not,
But there is history hidden in them,
The small-small terracotta temples
And the miniature painting done into them,
The terracotta design and building.

The terracotta temples, small-small but beautiful
Made of small-small bricks and lime stone powder

Chariot Of Dreams By Dwarakanath H. Kabadi

Though written earlier, he could not pursue and follow it then
As for being a boy of eighteen to take up commerce,
The kernel of Chariot of Dreams was sown earlier
And he wrote it then,
But could not publish it for so long.

Again, when dusting the racks and shelves,
He found the manuscript
And he went through it,
The work written during his youth

The Day New York City Almost Slept...

The City,
The buildings,
blue skies-
that were really
azure, puffy, calm,
but it mattered not
this day...that day,
the day the sky
turned black

A Portrait Of Poets

The poster boy
Of modernism.

Lal the director
Of Writers Workshop,

The confessional poetess

The Agony Of Poetry, This Is India Where Merit Is Crushed

Even after writing for so long, I could not be a poet,
Even after so many years of practice, I am not,
The poets and critics went through my poetry
And the papers of criticism
But commented upon not in their publications.

Their letters are with me, but not their support,
They have the awards from the Govt. of India
But I have not,
Sometimes my spirit too disheartens it


Burning the midnight oil
Wrote he
Paradise Lost, Paradise Regained,
A poet with a massive plan
For a literary work
Of a vast cosmology,
Epical and classical,
Profound and elegant,
Latinized and sublime.

Derek Walcott

The Ramleela which he saw
Staged in Couva
Remembered he for long,
The epic fragments and their dramatization,
The folk dramatization of it
In Trinidad and Tobago,
The open theatre
With the common people
Acting as actors
So colourful