Friendship Ixx

And a youth said, 'Speak to us of Friendship.'

Your friend is your needs answered.

He is your field which you sow with love and reap with thanksgiving.

And he is your board and your fireside.

For you come to him with your hunger, and you seek him for peace.

Love 1 - Love Is All Embracing

Love is all embracing,
Pure and sublime
Which flows and keeps flowing
Like a never ending stream;
From the eternal river,
Pouring out the elixir of love,
Love that gushes out unreservedly,
From each cell of the body,
Through each pore of the skin,
From the depths of the heart,

Rainbow In Motion Haiku

Red, orange, yellow

green, blue, indigo- violet

mystic vision arcs

Red, orange yellow

green blue indigo follow

At The Door

All actors look for them-the defining moments
When what a character does is what he is.
The script may say, He goes to the door
And exits or She goes out the door stage left.

But you see your fingers touching the doorknob,
Closing around it, turning it
As if by themselves. The latch slides
Out of the strike-plate, the door swings on its hinges,
And you're about to take that step

Good Bye

It is time to say good bye,
amidst small gathering and cry,
Soul to depart from body and fly,
No one knows where and why?

Always stayed among kith and kin
Struggled hard though not very keen
So much load on solder as it had always been
So many odds against but clear path seen

The Farewell Xxviii

And now it was evening.

And Almitra the seeress said, "Blessed be this day and this place and your spirit that has spoken."

And he answered, Was it I who spoke? Was I not also a listener?

Then he descended the steps of the Temple and all the people followed him. And he reached his ship and stood upon the deck.

And facing the people again, he raised his voice and said:

Seasonal Cycle - Chapter 02 - Rainy Season

"Oh, dear, now the kingly monsoon is onset with its clouds containing raindrops, as its ruttish elephants in its convoy, and with skyey flashes of lighting as its pennants and buntings, and with the thunders of thunderbolts as its percussive drumbeats, thus this rainy season has come to pass, radiately shining forth like a king, for the delight of voluptuous people...

"By far, the vault of heaven is overly impregnated with massive clouds, that are similar to the gleam of blackish petals of black-costuses... somewhere they are similar to the glitter of the heaps of well-kneaded blackish mascara... and elsewhere they glisten like the blackened nipples of bosoms of pregnant women, ready to rain the elixir of life on the lips of her offspring, when that offspring is actualised...


Is there something wrong with you?
A loose screw or two that ruined your ability to function?
Why are you always so tired?
Your life is uninspired and small; all you do is sprawl on the couch
with outstretched limbs like a sloth in slow-motion.
Where is your devotion to succeed, Maia?
Did it drift out your window with the smoke from your weed?
Do I need to force feed you discipline ‘til you finally concede?
I cook and I clean and I don't stop ‘til the soles of my feet bleed.
But I'm fine.

' Movement In Black

Simon makes it all come together, perfectly,
placing antiques 'n curio's on dusted black shelves,
window-sil ledges with geometric widgets,
navigating his world, by touch, and by texture.
Simon day-dreams about women and stem cells,
despite Canon Law, and his strict Catholic rearing.

And, he likes to muse on the concept of light,
spectrums, and prisms, though opague to Simon,
still he dusts pleated lamp-shades that house no bulbs;

The Brothers

'These Tourists, heaven preserve us! needs must live
A profitable life: some glance along,
Rapid and gay, as if the earth were air,
And they were butterflies to wheel about
Long as the summer lasted: some, as wise,
Perched on the forehead of a jutting crag,
Pencil in hand and book upon the knee,
Will look and scribble, scribble on and look,
Until a man might travel twelve stout miles,
Or reap an acre of his neighbour's corn.

A Distance From The Sea

To Ernest Brace

"And when the seven thunders had uttered their voices, I was
about to write: and I heard a voice from heaven saying unto
me, Seal up those things which the seven thunders uttered, and
write them not." --REVELATIONS, x, 4.

That raft we rigged up, under the water,
Was just the item: when he walked,
With his robes blowing, dark against the sky,

I Lived Not

I lived not up to expectations
Thus raised distrust and many questions,
Had promised to keep words,
In the name of God and also Lords,

Promise is simple but after all promise,
To be observed till approach of demise,
Never to forget any and not to compromise,
Not to break any just to sprang surprise,

Concrete Expectation

In long breaths expectations lead me to die
I want to take loan some times to omit sigh
Your love is one color in the coat of colorful life
The wings of heron flying on the village of blue sky
Endless youthful stream of Karnafully river and I
Live together in poisonous vapor of manufacturing dye
Dawn to dusk we're digging the pond of fate
Lucy quay of life closes all around the gate
In the bed of night coarse plaster captives us
Lingering expectation gland lives always detach

The Odyssey


Tell me, O muse, of that ingenious hero who travelled far and wide
after he had sacked the famous town of Troy. Many cities did he visit,
and many were the nations with whose manners and customs he was
acquainted; moreover he suffered much by sea while trying to save
his own life and bring his men safely home; but do what he might he
could not save his men, for they perished through their own sheer
folly in eating the cattle of the Sun-god Hyperion; so the god

The Pastor's Wife a Tribute To An Outstanding Woman

The Pastor's Wife
A Tribute to an Outstanding Woman

She serves in a lofty position not sought by her in life;
having fallen in love with a ministry man,
she became a pastor's wife.

She gave her life to Jesus, to share the Gospel Light,
to make both God and her husband proud-
happy being the pastor's wife.

' 10000 Questions '

Who can perceive self
in front of a mirror
exploring your anima?

Who can perceive our fate
as life is about beyond

There's no ambassador from God
or His emissary to our destiny.

I Stand

Though hatred rages against this noble heart
With its deadly griping piercing claws
Yet will I stand to face the green-eyed beast
Standing against such infinite odds
With dogged dreams of pursued success
Unfolding before a lonesome sight
Can I fight forever?
How long must I resist?
The pressures of this hostile world, slowly taking its ugly toll
Although the sky may appear dim, with dark dusty clouds hanging


Life may not stop for a while
If you walk with me for an extra mile
Sweet talk with fragrance and smile
Unique and gorgeous with different style

It leads me to believe in different way
Can beautiful smile shine the ray?
Can this not help us to usher in peace?
Lead life peacefully without unrest and at ease

Improvisations: Light And Snow


The girl in the room beneath
Before going to bed
Strums on a mandolin
The three simple tunes she knows.
How inadequate they are to tell how her heart feels!
When she has finished them several times
She thrums the strings aimlessly with her finger-nails
And smiles, and thinks happily of many things.

Michael Joseph Jackson

Glamour and the price of fame...
May produce a name.
Bright among rhinestoned stars.
In shallow glistening galaxies.

Entertained talents rise to heights.
To twinkle and dazzle for entire lifetimes.
With a climb that shines!
And can be difficult to maintain...
For those with gifts the envious wish to strip.