*royal Bengal Tiger

Royal bengal tiger!
When swim to pass across river
Target is determined.
Just straight forward move on
To reach that place has set out.

Ever if waves move little
Back to the beginning point.
Straight a must
No left no right

~ Rape Ride Gizmo @ $ 2 ~

Ms. Nivedita
15 June 15,2012

[Dedicated to Dada* Dr. Subhendu Kar]

Voluptuous vulgars ogres
Invented programmed RRG
User's friendly for raper

Grandpa's Owl

My father believed in legends of Indian folklore -
Being raised in the Ohio River valley, he knew his share
He always believed the incessant hooting of an owl
Was the harbinger of imminent death.
My youngest son was three when my father died,
And though he had only met him a few times,
The bond was strong between them.
One morning he came to me with a dream -
During the night 'Grandpa's owl'came to him
As he was playing outside in the yard,

# A Bouquet Of Haiku


His warm, sideways glance
Wrapped me like an angora shawl-
and took the chill away…

Voices of autumn…

! ! ' Chastity'.. My Apologies

Chastity’…my apologies..
Poem by Sivan PG Menon
(Pl read the preface….penned below)

A dungeon deep and mysterious..
Life seen in disdain, there.
Lost are the sensibilities
And passions to live.

Growing Up In The Southern States In The 1800s Before The U. S. Civil War...[ Dwarf; Family; Gunsmith; Slavery; Farming; Freedom; Longish ]

I woke up and before I got out of bed I thought...
about words of a poem which I'd not yet wrought.
I once heard about something 'God' had 'wrought',
but THAT is not what, by tonight, I hope I've brought
.....to YOU.

The title, which this a.m. had rolled around in my head,
was 'Tom T. Terwillager, Twit' **, but now it's 'this' instead:
[ See above to read what 'this' (my poem's title) refers TO ]
NOW I'll do my best, today, to bring a new poem to YOU!

Ubuntu Revisited

There was an anthropological study conducted on the children of an African tribe…
that I shall attempt as best I can…in this poem…to now describe.

A basket of fruit was placed under a tree…the children told to be fast and resolute
because the first one to the basket gets to eat all of the fruit.

When they were told RUN! ..they didn't run at first…instead like birds of a feather
each child took the hand of the child next to them…then they ran to the basket…together.

They smiled as they ran together…fast and resolute

Theodore Roosevelt's Voyage

The sea was in a foul mood, slamming hard and spraying mightily.
The walls of white battered and tossed the cargo of fools.
No enemy have I so vile, as to wish him aboard that vessel.
Nor have I, I hope, one that should wish me this watery purgatory.

Abandoned by the sun's last rays, no dream of better weather.
The cannon below strained with the fury of the tiger on a leash.
The deck now abandoned to the Tempest in league with the reaper.
Fate and luck were ghosts sacrificed to the folklore of the deep.

King Of Darkness

There on the foothills, across the river
Under the grim shadow of chilling fear
Stands the haunted mansion isolated

Being mysterious like the Bermuda Triangle
No birds fly over it nor cattle venture grazing
No visitor steps in nor beggars seek alms

The old "NO ENTRY" board at the entrance,
And his scary image bar children from jumping in

Manushi Chhillar Is New Miss World 2017

Manushi Chhillar has made us proud;
Let this message glow clear and loud.

Beauty of a participant also counts;
But intellectual prowess surmounts.

This is all about the battle of wits;
Keep your nerves and never say quits.

Be it the Olympics or beauty pageant;

Eros And Mysticism

Did you ever think
of the metaphysical
aspects of sexuality.

We have to explore
to shed new light
on the mystical
and spiritual
expression of sexual love.

Salute To A Sporting Icon/ Diego Maradona

Diego Maradona
(30 October 1960 - 25 November 2020)

With Pele you were adjudged 'Man of the Century'
By FIFA- you remain one of the greatest footballers
Not only for Argentina but for the entire world
You have become a hero in your country's folklore
You grew up in poverty but were never intimidated by it
From the age of 10 your career in football progressed
Despite ups and downs in life you never looked back

'' A Place In Poetic Folklore Is Yours To Pursue ''

Our poems are an example of words in full in flow,
The diversity and talent really does show,
By refusing to maintain the status quo,
The content and quality will continue to grow.

Your gender or age needn't have any bearing,
Nor should the clothes you choose to be wearing,
To write a good verse you should always be raring,
Whatever you write it's your soul you'll be baring.

The African Moon

The African moon is indigenous
With potentials peculiar to the people
The onset is heralded with shouts
In anticipation to the joy it brings
It's light breaks the barrier of trees
To hit the ground with soft touch
A source of illumination to villagers
Where electricity is a denied luxury
It prolongs the time of the night
Where children joyfully play

1966 (A Monologue)

Everyone will have a year they never forget and for a number of reasons mine is 1966.

I was 18 and King of the Hill in 66, knew it all, but knew nothing at all.

Things that happened to me and around me, World events, People and the Music, all effected me at the time and influenced my life, some of it stays with me even today.

To set the scene in January 1966 Harold Wilson is Prime Minister, Lyndon B. Johnson is President, the Vietnam War is raging. Carnaby Street in London is the place to be seen and to get the latest World leading Fashions. Mary Quant is Queen, Twiggy Models and George Harrison gets Married.

' Why Do We Believe... '

… Oh, Why Do We Believe? …
… Because Real Legends, Never Leave
A Mistaken Myth, May Be Reality
Or Was It Just A Folklore Legacy

Is A Pure Promise, A Prophecy? …
Oh, Why Do We Believe? …

… All Our Storytelling Around Camp-Fires
Or Storytelling, Beneath Architect-Spires

They Peered Into The Darkness

A long time ago and far away
Or maybe here just yesterday
They looked across lands cold back
Where dangers lurk in forests black
Over foliage shuffling crowns
Away from light polluting towns
Beyond horizon's deceptive flat
Through wind and wayward bat
And noctilucent clouds a wisp
Through layers breathless crisp

Tender Gourd Cooked With Your Sweet Love

Shrimp antennae cooked with gourd ovules
Husband pours broth, wife drinks aloud
Both nod their heads saying it's delicious - Folklore
Today, you cooked the tender gourd
Which is my gift for your quick special broth dish.
This is an hourglass gourd with its beautiful curves.
This gourd is from my garden and it's yours as you asked.
This is the first fruit of its vine
Its seeds will be very fruitful if being saved for sowing.

Ned Kelly Was A Hero

Ned Kelly was a hero and despite what some do say
The legend of his bravery in Australia lives today
As game as Ned Kelly is a well known Aussie quote
The leader of the Kelly gang remains as one of note.

The Kelly gang were victims of unfair local law
And the raping of his sister Kate by the police was surely the last straw
Ned and his brother Dan and their friends Steve Hart and Joe Byrne became outlaws and they ranged far and wide
And they robbed banks in the small Towns of Victoria-New South Wales border Countryside.



We started thinking seven months before
About your name, from heroes or from folklore
It needed to suit your character with a roar
We didn’t want you to grow to be a bore
Therefore, the name we chose had to set you apart
As well, as give you a lion of a heart
Not for a snivelling worrier
A name suitable for a warrior