Who Locked The Boys Out?

Once I saw some boys
Outside a gate
They had come to school
But they were very late
Everywhere was closed
All about
It caused me to wonder
Who locked the boys out?

Graduation Day

Graduation Day is the climax of a dream.
A parental dream that began when a child is born,
And their hope come true it would seem,
A triumph held after periods of forlorn,
A feeling of pride and euphoria years away
For a daughter or son - Graduation Day.

It is a peak of success for the graduate,
Not only for the graduate but parents too.
A joyful event after many years they had to wait,

Distant Haze

There was a knock upon my door
…In…the light…was she
Grab your coat and in the rain
Come take a walk with me

So many times we'd hop the bus
To…A faraway…picture show
Days of Summer we'd take our poles
…And fishing…we would go

Possessions Are Nine Points Of Conversation

Some people, and it doesn't matter whether they are paupers or millionaires, Think that anything they have is the best in the world just because it is theirs. If they happen to own a 1921 jalopy, They look at their neighbor's new de luxe convertible like the wearer of a 57th Street gown at a 14th Street copy. If their seventeen-year-old child is still in the third grade they sneer at the graduation of the seventeen-year-old children of their friends, Claiming that prodigies always come to bad ends, And if their roof leaks, It's because the shingles are antiques. Other people, and if doesn't matter if they are Scandinavians or Celts, Think that anything is better than theirs just because it belongs to somebody else. If you congratulate them when their blue-blooded Doberman pinscher wins the obedience championship, they look at you like a martyr, And say that the garbage man's little Rover is really infinitely smarter; And if they smoke fifteen-cent cigars they are sure somebody else gets better cigars for a dime. And if they take a trip to Paris they are sure their friends who went to Old Orchard had a better time. Yes, they look on their neighbor's ox and ass with covetousness and their own ox and ass with abhorrence, And if they are wives they want their husband to be like Florence's Freddie, and if they are husbands they want their wives to be like Freddie's Florence. I think that comparisons are truly odious, I do not approve of this constant proud or envious to-do; And furthermore, dear friends, I think that you and yours are delightful and I also think that me and mine are delightful too.


At her Junior High School graduation,
she sings alone
in front of the lot of us-

her voice soprano, surprising,
almost a woman's. It is
the Our Father in French,

the new language
making her strange, out there,

Number, The Wonder!

Who discovered number ?
One, two, three or four?
What does a number stand for?
Number is all that has played
A crucial role in evolving science
From simple counting to measuring
Distances between stars
We use the numbers.

What a wonder the number is

An Instructor's Dream

Many decades after graduation
the students sneak back onto
the school-grounds at night
and within the pane-lit windows
catch me their teacher at the desk
or blackboard cradling a chalk:
someone has erased their youth,
and as they crouch closer to see
more it grows darker and quieter
than they have known in their lives,


On a day when emerald is ubiquitous
one may dwell on greening
and springtime and renewal and coming of new life
Yes, life
What is life?
Some call it sacred special or a gift
But you can certainly remember that
one person who made
living sound so ordinary that listening to the details
prompted the mind to unravel to travel to wander

It Was Only Yesterday

It was only yesterday, when you were small,
I used to hold you in my arms.
Now you're older and out of school!
Yes, it was only yesterday,
When I clothed you and fed you.
It was a joy watching you play.
I hope yesterday I was a good Mother,
So when yesterday passes and in the future you'll be a good Father.
May yesterday have good memories of how we played and did things together.
And the little talks that made things brighter.


Finished contemplating

cap list tassle proud


are you kidding me

no employment found

((((((((Dream Comes True))))))))

Everyone aspires for an education
Study the lessons is required action
Today after those struggles I have made
Eventually I got now my hard earned degree
Rendering a professional work is now for fee.

Best parents I do possess
Always back me in the process.
Now I am grateful for their support
Deep inside I'm proud of their effort.

Graduating To More

Congratulations! ! !
You are Graduating from College! ! !
We celebrate your graduation
And we are celebrating You! ! !
It's been quite a journey for you
Life has thrown just about every challenge in the world at you,
But you overcame them and look at you now!
You are an Overcomer! An Overcomer with Style
And you are now the proud possessor of an academic degree

**** Mother Weeps On Net Cafe

My heart feels sorrow
for all young children and teen-age adults
losing much time excessively
in computer games
snatched from shallow joys
inside highly -commercial gaining
internet cafe

I extend pity for their losing future
as they escape from school laurel activities

A Touch Of Love....

You were six months old and full of fun.
With a blink of my eye, you suddenly were one.
There were so many things we were going to do,
But I turned my head and you turned two.
At two, you were very dependent on me.
But independence took over when you turned three.
Your third birthday, another year I tried to ignore.
But when I lit the candles, there weren't three, but four.
Four was the year that you really strived.
Why, look at you now, you're already five.

Albert Einstein 30 - Albert's Sister - Maja Einstein

Maja was born in 1881, in Munich.
She was two years younger to Albert.
Albert and Maja enjoyed
A pleasant, happy childhood,
Growing up, learning together,
Memorable childhood years in school!
As siblings, they maintained a close relationship,
An affectionate bond throughout their lives.

In 1894, when Albert's family decided to leave Munich,

Peer Pressure

You went along with the unruly group just to be a part of the crowd
Then started walking toward the school and began to yell out loud
It was time to go to the classroom but you lingered out in the hall
The bell rang loud for the second time so you responded to its call

Algebra and Social Studies was the first and second of your classes
In a rush to be with friends you forgot and left without your glasses
The Teachers taught you all day long and tried to give you their best
Will want to see what you have learned when time to take their test

A Cry For Help

Dont keep me hidden,
in this dark room,
please show me the sun,
so that I can bloom.
I know you kept me here,
just to keep me warm,
but now it is time,
to show me the dawn.
I am ready to flower,
I need some light,

Walking Through High School

This is it everything that you have gone through us now memories.
All of your happy and sad times in high school have now faded.
A new life has begun on your own.
No more waking up dreading that this day will never get here.
Now the day is here and your missing everyone before they even
walk through these high school doors.
Every memory is left unsaid.
On graduation day everyone cried, I even cried.
Knowing that I may never get to hang with my friends ever again.
Hoping they'll be here for my graduation crying with me.

Remember Then And Now

Remember little jack sprat
Remember three little pigs
Remember all those fairy tales
That seemed so real to us a kids

Remember mother goose
Remember Cinderella going to the ball
Remember the old lady in the shoe
Remember sleeping beauty eyes closed and all

Never Sound Retreat

A hard fought battle you have won
This graduation day;
We fill with pride to know you still
Stand steadfast on the way.

We know you often lost your poise
And longed to sound retreat,
Until some inner strength took charge
And saved you from defeat.