Graduation Day Poem by Joseph T. Renaldi

Graduation Day

Rating: 4.1

Graduation Day is the climax of a dream.
A parental dream that began when a child is born,
And their hope come true it would seem,
A triumph held after periods of forlorn,
A feeling of pride and euphoria years away
For a daughter or son - Graduation Day.

It is a peak of success for the graduate,
Not only for the graduate but parents too.
A joyful event after many years they had to wait,
Realizing the glorious thrill of a dream come true,
A genuine smile accompanied by a deep sigh,
Often a handkerchief in hand as the class goes by.

Graduation is a deserving, hard earned goal
With mortarboard and gown as foretold,
A gratifying service of the mind and soul
In a simple and beautiful sheepskin told
That the graduate fulfilled the educational rule.
At last, for the mother and father, a dream come true.
Graduation Day!

Graduation Day
Hana K 01 June 2008

I am about graduated the next moon it reminds me of that i know i should be happy but part of me feel sad i must seprated with all my friends

31 17 Reply
Riquetta Elliott 19 January 2008

I remember my graduation day. Class of 2007! ! Very will written.

23 18 Reply
Mcgeorge Jeremiah 01 September 2017

Am inspired. Thanks, I think that this is for me

11 3 Reply
Potato Lover 19 April 2018

Hi there. I love Chickens. And corn. and....I am so bored.

6 7 Reply
Sakalabaktula Sairaj 18 December 2017

nice one dear poet so nice

7 3 Reply
Richard Antwi 05 July 2020

Graduation is indeed the climax of a dream. Well said.

1 0 Reply
Jane Wkrebs 04 July 2020

Take this seriously unless you want you or your family to die. The scientific facts are out there, people , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , worknet8, com

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Richard Antwi 15 June 2020

......climax of a dream Yes indeed!

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Nkosilathi Zinyane 05 August 2019

i like the poem too..Graduation day, a great theme to write about!

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Dinah 19 April 2019

This poem brought tears to me and my friend she on graduation day

6 2 Reply
Joseph T. Renaldi

Joseph T. Renaldi

Frackville, Pennsylvania
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