Mediterranean Girl's War Phobia

Indoors by technology, outdoors by speedy transport
I travel the world
Today in Japan, tomorrow in Rome,
Next day by an ancient civilization or in Hawaii or Coast Ivory,
I see, I observe human, nature, society, civilization, earth's form
Develop feelings with the people from country to country
Know their features, culture
I am not self; they, you and me together; friend and brother
I have nothing alone
We share what we have and to what we belong;

Blot On Humanity

It is darkest hour in our history,
Dark nights shrouded with mystery,
Keeping under heels and making mockery,
Liberty torch shine but under label of slavery,

We may hide cruel face under facial,
Abuses hurl and utterances very racial,
Delicate phase but survival very crucial,
Efforts needed nor normal but very special,


SOME have won a wild delight,
By daring wilder sorrow;
Could I gain thy love to-night,
I'd hazard death to-morrow.

Could the battle-struggle earn
One kind glance from thine eye,
How this withering heart would burn,
The heady fight to try !


As seen through the eyes of those who witnessed first hand,
and liberated the scenes of the Holocaust

The rain how it fell; the cadaver smell
My eyes transfixed on that pit of Hell,
Vapid flesh foul, horrendously bland.
But why this carnage, I don’t understand;

Retching, gagging, holding back the bile.

The Testimony Of Light

Our life is a fire dampened, or a fire shut up in stone.
--Jacob Boehme, De Incarnatione Verbi

Outside everything visible and invisible a blazing maple.
Daybreak: a seam at the curve of the world. The trousered legs of the women
They held their arms in front of them like ghosts.

The coal bones of the house clinked in a kimono of smoke.
An attention hovered over the dream where the world had been.

Our Beautiful Children….

Our beautiful children are dying
In Africa, Europe, the Middle East
Asia, the Americas,
And in every projects where there is no peace.
Our black children are dying
For lack of basic necessities and because of the lies
And the carelessness of their greedy leaders.
Our white children are dying
Because of the expensive weapons and the nuclear reactors.

Man Proposed

Men propose but….

Man proposed but God disposed
Till you betray the trust reposed
Many things you are but supposed
You may feel sorry, when before deposed

We are turning an eye blind
Never see anything good and kind
Attention to small and pretty things mind


I need to sleep
I need its strengthening
I need its peaceful arms enfolding me
and holding me and giving me peace
but it doesn't come
night after night it doesn't come
and in the still of the night
I open my eyes
to darkness


Do you ever think nature has its own music?
Love spell along with thrilling magic
Enough tolerance with donor’s quality
Everything has its own function and utility

Does nature demand more or ask anything?
Always useful and to offer something
We fail to give even two words of solace
Tree’s shed has significance but not that of palace

Burning Drift-Wood

Before my drift-wood fire I sit,
And see, with every waif I burn,
Old dreams and fancies coloring it,
And folly's unlaid ghosts return.

O ships of mine, whose swift keels cleft
The enchanted sea on which they sailed,
Are these poor fragments only left
Of vain desires and hopes that failed?


HE was a Grecian lad, who coming home
With pulpy figs and wine from Sicily
Stood at his galley's prow, and let the foam
Blow through his crisp brown curls unconsciously,
And holding wave and wind in boy's despite
Peered from his dripping seat across the wet and stormy night

Till with the dawn he saw a burnished spear
Like a thin thread of gold against the sky,
And hoisted sail, and strained the creaking gear,


New Castle, July 4, 1878

or a hundred years the pulse of time
Has throbbed for Liberty;
For a hundred years the grand old clime
Columbia has been free;
For a hundred years our country's love,
The Stars and Stripes, has waved above.

Away far out on the gulf of years--

Paradise Seed

Where is the seed
Of the tree felled,
Of the forest burned,
Or living root
Under ash and cinders?
From woven bud
What last leaf strives
Into life, last
Shrivelled flower?
Is fruit of our harvest,

Sultry Summer's Evening

A frail…old Negro lady
…Born…in Lincoln's day
Who knew the taste of freedom
Only… when… she passed …away

Imprisoned… by the hatred
Which gnawed… within her soul
Agony written upon her face
… From the story…that she told

A Holocaust

'No man ever attained supreme knowledge, unless his heart had been
torn up by the roots.'

When I presage the time shall come--yea, now
Perchance is come, when you shall fail from me,
Because the mighty spirit, to whom you vow
Faith of kin genius unrebukably,
Scourges my sloth, and from your side dismissed
Henceforth this sad and most, most lonely soul

The Stanzas Of My Mind

When stars fell cold
Like chunks of ice out of a fatal sky,
We memorized the hoar frost on gray roofs
And slanted thoughts to fit time's westward curve.

Air smelled of snow,
That holocaust that killed all whispers white.
I felt the poem that you never said.
Its candle lit the stanzas of my mind.

Millenial Hymn To Lord Shiva

Earth no longer
hymns the Creator,
the seven days of wonder,
the Garden is over —
all the stories are told,
the seven seals broken
all that begins
must have its ending,
our striving, desiring,
our living and dying,

A Recantation


What boots it on the Gods to call?
Since, answered or unheard,
We perish with the Gods and all
Things made--except the Word.

Ere certain Fate had touched a heart
By fifty years made cold,


After some days- - -
The dust blown by
The tornado will settle
Flood water will go back to the stream
Black clouds will fly away

But- - - - -
The images of
Charred flowers
Half burnt stump of

Unluckily For A Death

Unluckily for a death
Waiting with phoenix under
The pyre yet to be lighted of my sins and days,
And for the woman in shades
Saint carved and sensual among the scudding
Dead and gone, dedicate forever to my self
Though the brawl of the kiss has not occurred
On the clay cold mouth, on the fire
Branded forehead, that could bind
Her constant, nor the winds of love broken wide