The Sunset Of Romanticism

How beautiful a new sun is when it rises,
flashing out its greeting, like an explosion!
- Happy, whoever hails with sweet emotion
its descent, nobler than a dream, to our eyes!
I remember! I’ve seen all, flower, furrow, fountain,
swoon beneath its look, like a throbbing heart…
- Let’s run quickly, it’s late, towards the horizon,
to catch at least one slanting ray as it departs!
But I pursue the vanishing God in vain:
irresistible Night establishes its sway,

~ Ma Mama Ma Mama Ma Maaaa! ~

~ Ma Mama Ma Mama Ma Maaaa! ~
Ms. Nivedita
23 November 2010

Into ~ After reading several comments I humbly give backdropp of this poem.

In poetry much experimentation are going on and critiques are categorizing in various ways like Realism Surrealism Modernism Romanticism etc.

To be honest no poetry can be canopied under one canvas and there will be pits where other flavors fill up.

Passing The Final Test

Lamenting lost childhood
Floating on a white puffy cloud
Forgetting about all of the sadness
Frowning smiling to be discovered
Laughter just around the corner
Listening only to the tone of yesterday
Tasting sweetness bitterness bitter sweetness
In this magical adventure
Crying over silly little things dissecting a frog
Laughing playing hide and seek

Nuggets Of Wisdom.No.3. On Marriage


Marriage, now and ever is a sacred union
Of two souls bonded for communion
It binds man and woman as conjugal spouse
And on it, human society has its base

It should be an immaculate projection
Of the pair’s mutual trust and affection
Self giving love showers the grace

A Forever, Deepest Love.

Deeply true
A love
As never
Before felt,
With the fury
Of the endless
And the Soul's

A Glossary Of Poetic Words

I would like to re-submit this exhaustive list of terms associated with poetry and hope that members will make use of the list to understand different kinds of poetry in a better way.

ABSTRACT -a word denoting qualities that do not exist except as
attributes'- beauty, love, despair etc.
ALLEGORY -a narrative in which the subject of a higher spiritual order
is described in terms of that of a lower one.
There are HISTORICAL and POLITICAL allegories and
the allegory of IDEAS.
ALLITERATION -the repetition of a speech sound in a sequence

Culmination Of Visions

Romanticism dreamt is disenchantment
and death, a problem countered by realism,
left-brain thinking enriches us immensely,
combined with right-brain intuition we are
moreso free than ancient people as we
access their wisdom

Story, ideal and dream enriches life,
improves relationships, imbues reality
with symbols, deeper meaning, every

Love Restrained

Why does desire
Hold one mesmerized
Yet, happily joined?

Nothing but chemicals
The Best!



They censor references
To alternative worlds
From time travel to metaphysics:
From Romanticism to Rom coms,
Because the sovereign state
Will provide everyone
With all they require.
Other worlds are not necessary.
Here the colours bleed into one.
Here the uniforms fit perfectly.

Three Romantic Poets Guess Who!

My vision of romanticism now lies
in their mercilessly longing eyes

It's been just very recent
that I came across these two Romantics
one admiring death on the beach
and making love with a wild imagery
The other into more aggressively sexual
erotic poetry and equally anonymous too

Dark Times

The Beauty of Words,
Doesn't seem to count anymore,
Only lies and foul language,
Seem to excite, satisfy and delight
The numerous, unglamorous fools of the world.

Beauty of thought,
Seems all but lost,
Romanticism, Idealism,
Two 'Enemies' that are,

A Short Poem

Life is short
May be as good as some years or so
Death is long
For it is as good as a century and beyond
So I cry over
When it comes before not tapping at door
Though it is a sleep heavenly
With infinite dreams of Him only
And it is a feeling heavenly
With unceasing love of Him only

Moon And Sun Commission..

O moon, o moon
Emperor of emotion
Poetic blossom
Heroic motion
Beauty lotion

As one dip in
Meant for twosome
Under the shade of sun

Polishing Romanticism

I observed
you have modified your verse

O poet you are the best
to Poemise such truthful verse
be it a poem or real

many still will love your admission
ofblessing a newer generation
you are a poet worth consideration

Senryu - Love Will Melt

night submerge silence
flames of romanticism~ on
bodies slowly melt

Improper Sonnet #1

Ancient Text have this not.
This feeling: never been recorded.
it is not love.
it is not infatuation.
It is a desire to give you my whole self,
all of me.
and I ask nothing at all in return.
This is pure romanticism at its most potent.
It is a guilt free drug, most addictive.


We guise it so f***in well
imbue it in our Isi Meyaki and Gray Flannel
the incredible lid of dialectic materialism, Marxism
nihilism, romanticism Gucci, Armani Burberry
keeps in place the septic cesspool that is distilled
on pews, under minarets even deathbed
I often wish that muck on our minds
one day gets projected on the nth x nth
screen of limitless indigo
and fill the sky, stars and all the inter stellar spaces

To Follow

i'm not trying to make this/us difficult;
this is my own stupidity,
my own boy-ishness that keeps
all that i long for from bounding out.

what DO i long for?
well, that's the question!
but i've realized i cannot answer it.
i've realized that romanticism, these sunrises, can't work it.
i've realized even she cannot answer it.

Its All About Love

I have seen it all from the close quarters,
Seen the glimpses of love touching life.
Love defining relationships, stringing hearts.
How unlikely it seems at times, so unconvincing.
Yet it is true, the love story.
I wonder is love all pervasive, surprisingly it is.
Tried to humorously put away the love thoughts
Of people falling in love and not rising.
They say love takes you to heights.
Ignorant fool that is what I am.

' Where Are The Words? ... '

Where Are The Words …
I Am Looking For Words …
… That Will Give Meaning
To Meeting You, This Evening

And What Can I Say? …
What I Long To Say …
Instead of, Good To See You Friend
And Oh, How Have You Been?