Street Children


Who are those kids half nude and unclean!
To whom were they born? How and when?
From which pitiless wombs they did stumble out
Into this lovelorn human desert! ? By what fate?

By which mean male creatures' lechery
By which gullible women's' vulnerability
They're made to stray in these crowded streets

Don Juan: Canto The Fifth

When amatory poets sing their loves
In liquid lines mellifluously bland,
And pair their rhymes as Venus yokes her doves,
They little think what mischief is in hand;
The greater their success the worse it proves,
As Ovid's verse may give to understand;
Even Petrarch's self, if judged with due severity,
Is the Platonic pimp of all posterity.

I therefore do denounce all amorous writing,

The Good Samaritan

How kind the good Samaritan
To him who fell among the thieves!
Thus Jesus pities fallen man,
And heals the wounds the soul receives.

O! I remember well the day,
When sorely wounded, nearly slain;
Like that poor man I bleeding lay,
And groaned for help, but groaned in vain.

He Relied On His Sense Of Touch

He relied on his sense of touch
Without having to say much
Randy was a young blind child
Brought up almost in the wild
Surrounded by illiterate lads
Who looked and behaved like little cads
Yet he was always very mild
A very gentle and well mannered child
Walking and feeling his way around
Which did everyone astound?

$$$$ Prayer $$$$

God Almighty
We praise your heavenly Name
Come to our hearts
And cleanse all our inequities
To become worthy of your love.

God Almighty
We praise your Holiness
Come into our minds
And clear all our troubles

Joseph’s Dreams And Reuben's Brethren [a Recital In Six Chapters]


I cannot blame old Israel yet,
For I am not a sage—
I shall not know until I get
The son of my old age.
The mysteries of this Vale of Tears
We will perchance explain
When we have lived a thousand years
And died and come again.

Delight Is The Train Travel

Confined he was to the greenwood tree
Sky was the roof of his home rent free
To move about was not his spree
Quest for moving yearning for a key!

Planets move along the fixed orbit
Sun and moon seem to move with grit
Birds and animals walk on earth quite fit
Skylark flies and floats well in the air
Duck and swan walk on earth


Sometime back, I had read in the newspaper about the plight of a little girl in a very similar situation that I have depicted in this poem. This is what prompted me to write and share my opinion about Child Labour - a social evil prevalent even in modern times.


Abandoned by her mother at birth and rescued by a child activist,
she finally found a home in a local children’s orphanage.

Mountain Climbing

On a quest to climb a mountain
I staggered up a hill
I reached the top and gasped for breath
I really felt quite ill
Perhaps I should have set my sights
On something rather smaller
And rang up the samaritans
To be told 'Please Hold on Caller'

It Rained!

It rained,
On the roofs of the oppressors and the oppressed,
In the gardens of the righteous and the wicked,
It rained,
On the grounds of achievers and failures,
Poured and bred the seeds of villains and warriors,
It rained,
And moistened the air of the poor and the rich,

Sonnet: God Protects His Good People

Though scourged be Righteous men all life on earth,
By evil minds and devils in sequence,
Good Samaritans, Angels too have birth,
To save the Upright from chains of non-sense.

The God of Goodness and Justice observes,
The chaos loosened all over the world;
And gives his loved ones strength and steel-like nerves,
And hearts that withstand all abuses hurled.

Those Unknown

What happened to those
who shed many a tear
and bled for others?

They died hungry
lamenting their last years.

I know those unknown
and I know how much of pain
endured they, unbeknown.


Don't go out again tonight,
to walk the streets alone.
Don't follow train-tracks til dawn's light,
That will not lead you home.

Don't tell yourself that it's ok,
don't make yourself believe.
That actions carry consequence,
but remorse will earn reprieve.

Be A Good Neighbour, Be A Good Samaritan

Jerusalem to Jericho,
a road, too treacherous to go.

robbers and bandits, always wait,
to rob and show victims, pearly gates.

a Jewish merchant, passing by,
beaten, stripped, robbed, and left to die.

Irrationality Of Prejudice

Two phrases of importance come to mind
We are not at fault for our genetic origin
All born from the Love of God's humankind
like a melodious passion from a violin.
Comforted by the breasts of our mothers
as she caressed us with warmth and security.
No different whether rich or impoverished
we are chosen to be amongst each other.
Wide-eyed with our innocence unblemished
we hold respect for our neighbor in purity.

Child Of A Blind Man

My life style makes me to be daddy's boy on the same hand it qualifies her to be mummy's girl.
On the contrary it should have been otherwise but because of my daddy's status, I am what I am.

My growing up is not a pleasing life as I have no Childhood. I do not have proper time to play with my friends as I am like that fellow on a pilgrimage. I am my blind father's guide. I am his pillar as well as his eyes.
I am his best companion as well as his voice, l am my daddy's special envoy to the society.

The Parable Of The Good Samaritan

We live in difficult times
Covid-19 disease has brought us misery
Death of loved ones is our daily breaking news
We are forced to bury them in haste
According to social distancing rules
Even the number of attendants is restricted
We cannot even have a last glimpse of our beloved
We can only weep on the cold floor of life
Death has become synonymous with our daily bread
We are enveloped in misery

Winter's Wonderland

A winter wonderland with snowflakes falling
With Robins and with Turtle doves a-calling
With drummer boys and carol singers too
I guess this is what Christmas means to you

The very essence of this time of year
The time for joy and endless family cheer
Not lost are those who need support and then
Find solace in the angriest of men

To One Emigrant

There is Russia-Mother and Father-God.
You were born by them, in a cradle.
Your departure is denial of His Love,
Of His Love and His bed in Heaven.

He gave birth to you and surrounds by souls,
Inner circle for you is Russia.
Of the Russian beanbags gave rattling sounds,
Of Light Wills Emelya, a prankster.

Les Deux Samaritains Et Le Clochard. (Translation) .

Un clochard marchait d'un pas lourd sur le chemin-
L'apres-midi etait chaud et humide-
Et bientot il lui arriva de rencontrer
Un pasteur qui allait dans un buggy.
Il dit: 'Comme des disciples du Seigneur,
Nous devrions faire de bonnes actions! '
Et d'un bidet de l'eau il versa,
Et donna au clochard, un verre d'eau.

Le pasteur alla cliquetant a la maison