Miss ', I Really Miss (101) /500 ###

I was stepping in to become young
I thought it is nice journey but too long
I am afraid and take care not to go wrong
I was expecting everything for song

I am so much influenced by lady smile
She has entered in life just before while'
Life seems to be so interesting and fine
I want to dance on floor with glass of wine

The Question

Love, a question
has destroyed you.

I have come back to you
from thorny uncertainty.

I want you straight as
the sword or the road.

But you insist

Among School Children

I WALK through the long schoolroom questioning;
A kind old nun in a white hood replies;
The children learn to cipher and to sing,
To study reading-books and histories,
To cut and sew, be neat in everything
In the best modern way -- the children's eyes
In momentary wonder stare upon
A sixty-year-old smiling public man.
I dream of a Ledaean body, bent
Above a sinking fire. a tale that she

Peace Xviii

The tempest calmed after bending the branches of the trees and leaning heavily upon the grain in the field. The stars appeared as broken remnants of lightning, but now silence prevailed over all, as if Nature's war had never been fought.

At that hour a young woman entered her chamber and knelt by her bed sobbing bitterly. Her heart flamed with agony but she could finally open her lips and say, 'Oh Lord, bring him home safely to me. I have exhausted my tears and can offer no more, oh Lord, full of love and mercy. My patience is drained and calamity is seeking possession of my heart. Save him, oh Lord, from the iron paws of War; deliver him from such unmerciful Death, for he is weak, governed by the strong. Oh Lord, save my beloved, who is Thine own son, from the foe, who is Thy foe. Keep him from the forced pathway to Death's door; let him see me, or come and take me to him.'

The Buried Life

Light flows our war of mocking words, and yet,
Behold, with tears mine eyes are wet!
I feel a nameless sadness o'er me roll.
Yes, yes, we know that we can jest,
We know, we know that we can smile!
But there's a something in this breast,
To which thy light words bring no rest,
And thy gay smiles no anodyne.
Give me thy hand, and hush awhile,
And turn those limpid eyes on mine,

Endymion: Book Ii

O Sovereign power of love! O grief! O balm!
All records, saving thine, come cool, and calm,
And shadowy, through the mist of passed years:
For others, good or bad, hatred and tears
Have become indolent; but touching thine,
One sigh doth echo, one poor sob doth pine,
One kiss brings honey-dew from buried days.
The woes of Troy, towers smothering o'er their blaze,
Stiff-holden shields, far-piercing spears, keen blades,
Struggling, and blood, and shrieks--all dimly fades

Meditations In Time Of Civil War

Ancestral Houses
SURELY among a rich man s flowering lawns,
Amid the rustle of his planted hills,
Life overflows without ambitious pains;
And rains down life until the basin spills,
And mounts more dizzy high the more it rains
As though to choose whatever shape it wills
And never stoop to a mechanical
Or servile shape, at others' beck and call.

Position In Mid Air

Some one intruded in God’s domain
To watch the dancer with wish to remain
Lost in dreams and position could not regain
Noticed by the sentries and presented to chief main

He pleaded guilty to be spared at once
No one liked to be shown their even at glance
They cursed and ordered to be thrown form heaven
Remain in the air with head up and legs down

Woman And War

We women teach our little sons how wrong
And how ignoble blows are; school and church
Support our precepts and inoculate
The growing minds with thoughts of love and peace.
‘Let dogs delight to bark and bite, ’ we say;
But human beings with immortal souls
Must rise above the methods of the brute
And walk with reason and with self-control.

And then – dear God! you men, you wise, strong men,

You Promised

You promised me smooth sailing,
Sadness or joy with zeal and hailing,
Solder to solder and never trailing,
Task and opportunities equally availing,

I thought you were the best choice,
You had melody and sweet voice,
You spoke less but merely consented,
When sincere proposal simply presented,

Severe Jolt

You gave me jolt without any clue
Was all of sudden as if bolt from blue?
It was shot in bull but hook miscued
No escape route to go for and rescued

Well it was not wise but your decision
You might have thought over with precision
Simple misgivings cannot take us further
Relation can exist not any longer

I May Not Withdraw

I may not like to fall back or withdraw
Sometimes dropp the pen and sword draw
Run for reprisal to avenge the defeat
Take possible steps for mistakes not to repeat

I may have calculated move
Don’t allow uncertainty and doubts remove
Think of best results with utmost care
Not to be caught unaware and defense prepare

Moments After

Who know what will happen moment after?
Cries may be all over after day of joy and laughter
Destruction all over and mass slaughter
When hate spreads its wings and revenge there after

No one knows what is likely to take place
There may not be any body to offer solace
Better to prepare for worst to follow
Not let up or uncertainty allow

Old Marriage Style

Unwillingly ushered in a house unknown,
Saw a young lady keeping head down,
White complexioned girl with eyes brown,
Almost frozen but expressions not frown,

I was at pained to learn orthodox way,
Children still not allowed having a say,
Uncertainty more and prediction less,
What is in store only assumptions and guess?

Above From The Deep

Above from the deep
Taller than the sky wall
We shall pluck the sun
Embracing all shines in our arm
Bring it back into the ground
Brightening dark deep down
A Light for our dreams to grow
Above from the deep

Let the shine in their eyes staring


Love built our house on solid ground
Such rock as will not yield
And I bear an enduring stone with me
From uncertainty as my shield

One touch can bring accord with you
Evoking feelings ever fond
I know you wear a touchstone too
As emblem of our bond

I Hate...

I hate,
hate that I can't trust
I hate,
hate that I must lie because they'd rather believe I'm fine.

I hate,
hate who I've been.
I hate,
hate to make decisions.

Of The Terrible Doubt Of Apperarances

OF the terrible doubt of appearances,
Of the uncertainty after all--that we may be deluded,
That may-be reliance and hope are but speculations after all,
That may-be identity beyond the grave is a beautiful fable only,
May-be the things I perceive--the animals, plants, men, hills,
shining and flowing waters,
The skies of day and night--colors, densities, forms--May-be these
are, (as doubtless they are,) only apparitions, and the real
something has yet to be known;

What Makes You To Think

What makes you to think you can?
Why you feel it easy to catch speeding van?
Is it reserved domain that can be only man?
Can that not be performed by even a woman?

It is madness and pride that speaks,
All useless thoughts and idea sneaks,
Sense trouble when information leaks,
Damage control tactics and attempt makes,

A Woman Speaks

A thousand flowers sprout in the bosom
The dreams of the years gone now subdued
In the wake of reality that descends
Like waves after waves on the shore

Many colors and hues now dried
The color of the rainbow appearing dull
Which once was a fairy tale
To change the gender it was once said
Cross over the rainbow