RoseAnn V. Shawiak Celebration Poems

A Celebration Of Life

All coming together for a saddened celebration of life,
because death has taken another loved one from a friend's

Early Celebration

Valentine's Day is coming up on Sunday, but we're now
celebrating it here at the Senior Center today.

Sweets and coffee being served, music and dancing in

Interior Celebration

Every note touching this spirit, soul being gratified by it's
wonder and awe, an interior celebration of imagination and
reality centered within a bluened light of the Divine.

Luau Celebration

Lilting and energetic music playing for the luau,
today's special celebration at the Senior Center.

A great and happy time being had by all of us,

Celebration To Remember

People's lives are forever changed upon awakening,
their existence having been shortened by living the
day before.

Great Celebration

Twisting into the morning with line dancing, seniors
up and having fun, taking steps and walking into the
fanfare of rhythm with their entire beings.

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