Abhishek Sharan

Abhishek Sharan Poems

I have become a metal sheet, an iron block,
Life hammers on me day and night.
Sheet pleads at each strike…
But the power of the next strike doubles at each cry.

Imagine if there were no MUSIC in this World…

Imagine if there were no classics chirpings of birds in this world,

Cleanse myself.
Cleanse myself from body from soul from thought from feelings.
Throw away every speck of dirt from my body my thoughts my aura!
I want to get rid of them

Abhishek Sharan Biography

I'm an Engineering Student at IIT Delhi. Writing Poetry and Articles are just my hobbies. My other hobbies are Astronomy, Photography, Travelling, reading books, music, sports...)

The Best Poem Of Abhishek Sharan

A Plead To Life

I have become a metal sheet, an iron block,
Life hammers on me day and night.
Sheet pleads at each strike…
But the power of the next strike doubles at each cry.

Visible red does not bleed from my body,
But the invisible, dark, infinite pain pricks within me each time…

At least, solace you get from the outer world, if visible red bleeds.
But, with this invisible dark you can only struggle and get more tired, with them,
Why should you beg compassion from others?
After all, I’m also a normal human and have received the pleasant gifts of laughter and happiness…..
So what, that the life snatched all of them from me afterwards.

Ok..Agreed, beatings and struggle shapes you.
But, is such beating or injustice appropriate….
which tears you apart…?

Alas! ! ! I am numbed…
Now, no strike I can feel.
Any other feeling I cannot distinguish,
For it has become a show of day and night to me.
Don’t think that I am getting shaped,
But I’m already broken.
And my remains are getting smaller and finer.

Life becomes too harsh sometimes.
But its human psychology to expect light.
But when life has agreed to push you into a black hole…
Then, what can you say?

PLEASE…stop this injustice.
I beg…
Please give back to me my life…life!
Don’t be too harsh on me.
I may not withstand it anymore.
I’m your companion not your enemy,
You judged me wrong.
I beg to you!
I cannot escape from you.
I know that life may be very BEAUTIFUL with you,
But it’s worse than hell and even WORST then that, without you! ! !

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