Absara Ghiorghis

Absara Ghiorghis Poems

She is from the Abyssinian Empire
where the sun toasts the skin
miles, deserts, oceans away

I see her and I'm not impressed.
With melons in her blouse,
mascara on thick,
she fools no one.

She is flying like a balloon
playing in the heavens,
prancing in the clouds,
and around the moon.


A feeling that is unavoidable
like hitting traffic at rush hour
or doing the taxes on April 14th.
A feeling that can consume the body


I will say I'm sorry
when the sun begins to grin,
when the clouds whisper a story,
the wind flies me around the world.

She is sophisticated and strong
beautiful, bright and bold.
She can do or say no wrong,
never called submissive or quiet

The Best Poem Of Absara Ghiorghis


She is from the Abyssinian Empire
where the sun toasts the skin
miles, deserts, oceans away

She is from the land of hidden beauty
a place that birthed Queen Sheba herself,
miles, lands, oceans away.

She is from the land of sweet papayas;
where you hear the laughs of hyenas,
miles, deserts, oceans away.

She is from the land of exotic people
where skin can look like cinnamon, cocoa, or sand;
miles, deserts, oceans away.

She is from a land inflicted with disease and poverty
where water comes from a gray bucket out of a well,
three miles;
deserts, oceans away

She is from a land where they beat on cowhide drums,
where they sing praises to God,
miles, deserts, oceans away.

She is from a land that birthed my radiant mother,
where my father learned arithmetic,
miles, deserts, oceans away

She is from a land that made me,
a place where my people are
miles, deserts, oceans away.

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