Abubakar Ahmed Imam Poems

Hit Title Date Added
O' Mother Africa

O’ Mother Africa
Wipe away these beads of sorrow
That harrow and scorn thy lovely brow

This Dance

In your face
Beyond the embers
That glow in you eyes
I see that day

Parting Rite

With stern faces we stand
On this beckoning sand
Facing east
Praying for the deceased

Fair Flowers

Friends are fair flowers
That adorn
The fields of life

Your Ways

From the gloom of my nights to the light of my days
I find myself counting your countless salient ways

Could I ever imagine the pain I caused you

Your Call

Amidst the dark walls
Of ignorance,
Your call rose, still rises,
Higher than the sun,

Is This You That I See

Akmal, my dear
Is this you that I see
This little ruby
Sparkling with innocence

My Love For You Shall Remain

O' brightest of stars
O' worthiest of praise
O' warmest of shoulders
O' my prop in distress

Immortal Images

Each time I close my eyes
Images of the days gone by
Like a flood come surging
I see you emerge from the kitchen

My Angel

I look; in the glitter of your eyes
I see the promise of paradise
On your smooth celestial face
I see the boundless beauty of the black race

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