Ace Of Black Hearts Poems

Hit Title Date Added
(anti Prejudice Poem) An Opportunity To Become Rich

Someone needs to be rich and someone needs to be poor.
An equal existence would mean it could never be improved upon.
What ever you had, you would have.
Nothing more.

(ambition Poem) Business In A Dream

Technology old.
Gets a shoulder so cold.
Rather then sharing it with those less fortunate then you.
Thrown away, melted down or melt scrapped.

(murder Poem) Shades Of Black

No empathy, no remorse, no recourse in my actions.
All I see is things in shades of black.
I was abandon as a child.
I'm alone as a man.

(duped Poem) The Truly Satisfied

It easier to accept then reject and question.
Another mental session.
Is it a curse or a blessing?
Those shoes are on backwards.

(fear Poem) A Bottle Washes Upon The Shore

A valid reason to run away is not to escape but to face it in a better day.
As time tics by and we sit and wonder why.
As if sky will never stop falling.
As the chicken even continues run without a head.

(inspiration Poem) An Inspiration From Something So Great

Colors of emotion fill the air with this poem.
Count the ways I could say how great a poem it is.
With both the heart and the soul.
Expressions are described both literal and metaphorically.

(father&Writer Poem) A Coversation

The teacher speaks of quotes and double quotes.
I think hes right.
Not to put myself in the spotlight.
My grammar is lacking

(hurt Poem) An Passive Agressive State

Make your mind up
Please don't ask from me, what I can not give
Deliver me from not evil
But the goodness of my heart

(hurt Poem) Broken

Time stands still
Trying to break my will
Trying to steal what I don't feel

(hurt Poem) A Repetitive Break Down

I was breaking down when I got with you
I was breaking down when I left you
I am breaking down just thinking about you.

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