Adriana Wood Poems

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Youth In Their Beauty

The long legged boy, wavy hair to his shoulders,
Smiled jauntily and said "Hullo, "
Putting a bright face over his plight,
While to his right,

Hawke Drops Puppy From The Sky

Hawk, menacing black V,
Soars higher in the sky, black shape dangling in talons.
Black squiggle wiggles and squeals,
Dragging bird down, nearer ground, .

Free Spirit

When I die I want to come back as ME,
Taking form of a woodland sprite, clothed in mist, who cares for a tree.
Our silhouettes write a poem on the sky at dusk, when the cool breeze whispers, and sways the trees, while light fades from the forest.
I will be free to take my leave and travel to far flung places and dimensions, and under the sea.

Too Much Rain

I am sick of spongy grass, wetly green,
Water trapped around its roots on the once firm ground.
Even the ducks look bedraggled in the damp rot all around.
I pick my way through the dankness,

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