Ahmed Jimoh

Ahmed Jimoh Poems

La illaha illa Allah...
Muhammadu Rasulullah...
So my flute shall blow its last
when finally the hour is past

In our days of ignorance
We almost levitate on hearing our favorite track
Its live performance shuts all else out
With joy our tongues rides the beat

A heart full of delight
A soul free of plight
A mind void of worries
A face lit by smiles

The Best Poem Of Ahmed Jimoh

The Welcome

La illaha illa Allah...
Muhammadu Rasulullah...
So my flute shall blow its last
when finally the hour is past
Then indeed will come the Yakeen
The true reality of the deen

I hope my soul shall be risen
With scents and fragrance so alluring
In velvets so smooth and supple
By angels so kind and gentle
For a welcome so pleasing and grand
By my Lord Allah, The Merciful, The Kind.

Ya Allahu Ya Rabbi
Let not the hour come upon me
Till of all these I am guqranteed
By your mercy alone can I succeed
In my quest to behold Your beauty
A sight to behold for all eternity

Grant this for me, ya Rahman
And for my family, Ya Raheem
And for my lineage, Ya Kareem
And for muslims world over, Ya Haleem
Thumma Aameen.

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